Why does it rock and why do you think it sucks?
I've been using this ability on my Cleric and I've become addicted to it. My Cleric has just reached level 13 and has 18 turns (18!) and being this is my first time playing this class I'm wondering why others don't use it since I've only witnessed maybe 2 others who actively used Divine Healing over the course of a couple years.
Divine Healing III
3d3 every 2 seconds for 30 seconds, consumes 1 Turn per use
equates 45d3 over 30 seconds
min 45, max 135
Average hit points healed over 30 seconds 75-105
Another question, does healing amplification apply to Divine Healing?
In case some of you didn't know, Divine Healing can be used through walls and is never blocked. for instance, if you're at a wheel/lever in The Cruicible you can heal party members through the walls by using this ability.