The system works!
It aint 50%, but im not gonna complain.
Thankyou Turbine finally![]()
The system works!
It aint 50%, but im not gonna complain.
Thankyou Turbine finally![]()
Leader of Heaven's Fury
Alts: Deval, Raydin, Banshee, Valakai, Vampiric, Damned, Sheriff, Witchking, UndeathThelanis since April 06
This is one of the worst ideas I've seen in a long time. An xp weekend right before they bump the level cap. This isn't going to kill the game but its going to take a big hit. So, let me get this straight, you want to bum rush all your lowb's/midbies to 16 this weekend. Well then what happens? Mod 9 pops. Then its a bum rush to level 20. Then I'm bored. Lets roll a new toon. Holy **** - I have to cover 20 levels pretty much solo'ing everything. Level's 8-16 will be a ghost town. This game is no fun. This sux. They can't attract players. Turbine you suck. I'm bored.
The xp weekends can be nice but the timing of this one is bad. Really bad. And the incessent demands for one have finally pressured Turbine into making a bad decision. Everyone would be better off with a cake if Turbine wants to do something for the players because of the infrastructure issues that have been going on. But an xp weekend right before the mod release - just plain a bad idea. But not the worst idea.
The worst idea is a loot weekend right before a level cap increase. Great - if I loot everything I can, I'll end up with a bunch of ML16 weapons, and ML15 items. A lot of them RR WF I'm sure (which hey, would work out for me personally). Then in anywhere from 3-6 weeks from now (assuming they release the mod for DDO's anniversery). We'll have access to level 18/20 weapons, and level 17/19 items. Great. Just great.
I admit that I'm bashing pretty hard here, but this just isn't a good idea anyway you cut it. And putting pressure on Turbine to make bad decisions in the name of customer service for problems that they are crapping their pants about. (whether you like it or not, the pinata's that you call Tolero, Tarrant, Eladrin, and "the Dev's" are doing this to pay rent, put food on the table, and maybe find some time to enjoy life outside of our little fantasy world; and they're working their butts off to make this an enjoyable experience for all of us)
Call fanbois/troll what have you. But they know they've really screwed up with where ever they put their servers. They really do want to do something for us. But an XP/Loot weekend while expeditious, right now its just probably the worst idea they could implement. That said, it by and large is coming from incessent, demanding screaming from the chicks in the nest. It just seems too much like one-dimensional, mob mentality to me and will, in the end, hurt us more than help.
No one is forcing you to roll a new toon and zerging him threw levels because it is a bonus xp weekend. Not only that, but the loot most likely isn't going to help anyone because with the next mod they will be releasing higher level loot as it is. How in the world is this going to ruin anything? Some people get to level up some toons a little faster than before so they can get to run the new content quicker with hoo.
Officer - Eternal Wrath
Burne Level 20 Human Paladin
The point is, for any new players - they are going to have no one to run with from level's 8-16 when the new mod come's out. And if you want to scream for something that's going to make this game better, you should be screaming for things that'll attract new players. Not shut them out after 2-3 weeks. Not useless loot. And not faster drives to level cap.
For me personally, power leveling is not a problem. The last guy I had had 370 favor going into the Vale (think about it). But even when power leveling, I still pug. In fact I usually mostly pug. If everyone on the server has 1-2 less lowb's midbies. Who's going to be there to run with any of the true newb's to the game. We'll be a vacuum of ****ed off people at level 20 with nothing to do, and ****ed off people leaving at level 8 because they can't find someone to group with.
3 months after the mod release, the shroud posting's will be like this, Shroud Elite -19-20 only. There will be no one to run in level for the raid. The timing of this loot/xp weekend will just accelerate that process, and its not good for the game.
Edit: last statement for clarity
i understand what your saying kraak but lets be honest about something real quick
if youawant to lvl a toon to 16 how long does it really take you... I mean if you put away raid times for a week how long does it take to get to 16??
see what I mean... all this bump in xp is doing is letting people who lvl much much slower catch up a little it will take person stuck at 7 to 11 or 9-13 sure there's going to be people that go 1-8 in 5 hrs but there will always being people rolling lowbies and rerolling toons always ... I understand what you saying but again not everyone in the game is going to use this as the last chance to roll a lowbie....
I've been here for quite awhile.
One thing I did consider which maybe the Silver Lining to what I see as a dark cloud. If they actually fixed the problems on Monday. This is a great way to put the environments through the paces before Turbine pop's Mod 9. There's nothing like real user load to test your fix. And the loot weekend will definitely generate a bunch of load.
Edit: the silver lining being; better to ensure things are fixed now, then to find out after the new mod is released.
We have not had one of these for approx 18 months
What else is there to do in this game at the moment other than levelling new toons.
What better way to get new players, or players to return.
Finally something goes our way and you complain about it.
Mob mentality is the way it should be. Its the old arguement that governments should fear the people, not people fear their governments.
The rolling of a new toon generates some form of excitement, other than the grind and grind that is DDO atm!
The new mod, when it eventually comes out will provide many challenges. New quests will arrive for your high level toons, and xp will not be a problem, you arguement states that this is the wrong time to do it, well if they did it after the MOD, your toons would be capped again and then what do you do!
In closing, let us rejoce in getting something for us for a change, let us have a good few days and get something for our money.
Personally I would say keep the loot and give us more bonus xp!
Having more toons at a higher level more the new mod is better dont ya think?
If all ya toons are capped, well loot then, otherwise let us enjoy our 1 weekend in a year and a half
Leader of Heaven's Fury
Alts: Deval, Raydin, Banshee, Valakai, Vampiric, Damned, Sheriff, Witchking, UndeathThelanis since April 06