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  1. #21
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Those all would be good effects to have on shields, but others are right, if it's not on a +5 then it's definitely not so good. I could get rid of bereavement in my offhand and go back to the original plan for I had for a s&b rogue. The only reason I have switched to TWF is to generate more offense. I don't particularly like that style on that character, and would really appreciate anything that would allow me to go back to that plan, without making him such a gimp for offense.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Akhad_Durn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VirieSquichie View Post

    but really, MOST of the random shields are *** moments...they need to work on removing (or reducing the roll rate) on a lot of the nonsensical shield prefixes/suffixes.
    I've been finding that a few of the level 14/16 shields are really nice. The problem is anything lower than this, it’s hard to get usable shield. There are just too many which are potency and devotion prefixed. It wouldn't be too bad if those prefixes matched the caster ranges of the characters but they don't. By level 10, I don't really want/need superior potency II...

    Quote Originally Posted by VirieSquichie View Post
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    Tasty fudge is really the best type!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Carroll
    One, two! One, two! and through and through. The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    Technically, guards are offensive effects as they deal damage to a mob. However they are really crappy effects on shields for the simple reason that they trigger on getting hit and the point of shield is to not get hit*. If the shield is effective, your guard is useless. If the shield is ineffective, a weapon in that other hand would likely be more useful (at the very least to get seeker 10, weighted, or vertigo on your main hand) than the damage from the guard.
    Yet Armour has Guard and Weapons don't. Sometimes the purpose of a shield is purely for DR. The wielder knows he's going to get hit so he's using the shield to reduce the amount of damage he's about to receive.

    The obvious solution is to allow the guard to proc while shield bashing? This would help to make shield bashing more viable.

    If the pretense for this is to make S&B DPS = TWF DPS then you're misguided. Logic would imply that a person wielding 2 single handed weapons SHOULD have more DPS than someone wielding 1.

    My 2H Barbarian crits for more than my 2WF Ranger and he crits about the same as my S&B Paladin, albeit more often. I just don't see how seeker on a shield is going to fix something that isn't broken.

    Seeker comes on weapons and bloodstones. Both are easily obtainable options.

    For the record, I didn't realise that if you held a weighted weapon in my off hand, it applied that effect to my main hand. Do all prefixes and suffixes work this way? Vorpal, Banishing, Puncturing, Pure Good?

  4. #24
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pscomputers View Post
    Yet Armour has Guard and Weapons don't. Sometimes the purpose of a shield is purely for DR. The wielder knows he's going to get hit so he's using the shield to reduce the amount of damage he's about to receive.

    The obvious solution is to allow the guard to proc while shield bashing? This would help to make shield bashing more viable.

    If the pretense for this is to make S&B DPS = TWF DPS then you're misguided. Logic would imply that a person wielding 2 single handed weapons SHOULD have more DPS than someone wielding 1.

    My 2H Barbarian crits for more than my 2WF Ranger and he crits about the same as my S&B Paladin, albeit more often. I just don't see how seeker on a shield is going to fix something that isn't broken.

    Seeker comes on weapons and bloodstones. Both are easily obtainable options.

    For the record, I didn't realise that if you held a weighted weapon in my off hand, it applied that effect to my main hand. Do all prefixes and suffixes work this way? Vorpal, Banishing, Puncturing, Pure Good?

    No the Pretense is to make S&B a more viable option. As it stands now TWF has a capability to not only have about double the DPS of S&B but also a higher Defensive ability. This is a large imbalance. I have no interest in making S&B = either TWF or THF in DPS but it should be a bit closer. Currently TWF has slightly less than double the DPS of S&B. S&B should be a bit closer to TWF than that. If TWF is 100% DPS then THF should be at LEAST 95% and S&B about 75%. Part of this problem comes from the high to hit bonuses that are achievable in this game and the inverted Attack Progression. Improving S&B DPS only would fix part of the problem.

    The Defensive Aspect is another kettle of fish entirely. Certain builds have extreme DPS and Extreme AC and Extreme Damage Mitigation. This makes so called defensive S&B builds nigh obsolete. I don't feel that the system should support this and I feel that improvement of S&B asa whole is a better option than Nerfing the TWF builds.

    Not all Prefixes and Suffixes apply across weapons.

    and maybe a couple of others do.

    Vorpal does not Stat Damage Does not banishing etc do not.

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  5. #25
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    Aesop. I accept that you're not trying to make S&B DPS = TWF DPS. I think the OP might've been though. That can be the only reason for adding seeker bonus to shields.

    You've got to agree that it doesn't make sense that S&B DPS to be as high as TWF DPS.

    Your S&B thread was a good read.

  6. #26
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pscomputers View Post
    Aesop. I accept that you're not trying to make S&B DPS = TWF DPS. I think the OP might've been though. That can be the only reason for adding seeker bonus to shields.

    You've got to agree that it doesn't make sense that S&B DPS to be as high as TWF DPS.

    Your S&B thread was a good read.
    Actually adding Seeker to a Sheild would only marginally help a S&B build if that ... remember that Bloodstones are Seeker 6 and the two would not stack so at most the S&B guy would be ahead by +4 Seeker... which really doesn't compare to the Cuisinart level attack rate of a TWF who actually gets more attacks proportionally in DDO than he would in PnP. in PnP he tops out at 7 vrs the S&B 4 and in DDO he has 11 vrs 5.

    Also a TWF could still hold a Seeker Weapon in the off hand and match the S&B Seeker potential which is why I say it is only a marginal (if that) help to S&B it just helps them mitigate the loss of a Weapon Slot.

    I can't speak for the OP but I don't think anyone would expect S&B damage to equal TWF damage... however being all around inferior to twf is not healthy either especially when it is by so much


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  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Actually adding Seeker to a Sheild would only marginally help a S&B build if that ... remember that Bloodstones are Seeker 6 and the two would not stack so at most the S&B guy would be ahead by +4 Seeker... which really doesn't compare to the Cuisinart level attack rate of a TWF who actually gets more attacks proportionally in DDO than he would in PnP.
    Silly Aesop, you obviously arent aware of the new trinket that gives +14 base damage while using a shield. Combine that with a seeker shield, and then we're getting closer...bloodstones...pfft....
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  8. #28
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    actualy while having a seeker 10 shield would not greatly increase damage it would help to have a useflul property on the shield is what the op is saying twf can switch out vertigo weighted and seeker 10 in offhand withthe click of a button while shield types are stuck withtheir resist one leser potency offhand shield of sucking ass
    since a shield is a blunt weapon it could have weighted 5 percent on it giving a 5 percent chance per hit with a slashing wepon ala khopesh to stun every hit this would be a nice thing to have as well as giving 10 to stunning blow checks while stil being a shield and is somehting i would look for befor seeker for the poster who said defensive effects should be on shields you apparently forget that in this game the shield is a offhand wepon so should have weapon effects -- a greensteel shield if implemented as a weapon could give 6 to a stat 1exceptional bonus to a stat and give 30 percent to healamplification or put on the 4 insight bonus to clear up the weapon for more dmg output any of which which would be a nifty bonus especialy complared to having a +5 shield of nothing that my s&b guy has worn since lvl 8 cause it looks good something like this would clear up a slot or two for other equipment

    i personally think since shield is a offhand weapon u aught to be able to use duel weilding feats withthe shield what movie with aguy with ashield did u not see a guy slash monster with his sword then knock the teeth out of the next one coming in with his shield why shield atacks only when defensive sure something like this would increase the attack power of sword and board but ur stil making that attack with a shield which is a crappy weapon with pitiful crit range and multiplier and very few have mods for dmg on them but its still a extra atack

    this is prety much the first dnd game i have played that didnt have any cool shields balddurs gate had the one that reflected beholders rays several that gave immunity to fire damage now admittedly i am not very familiar with the last few rulesets but when did shields become something to go sledding on and thats it --in a game of minmaxxing useful shields would let people use shields

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