"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner
Well, if the playstyle is popular enough to create an entirely separate server for it, then I'm assuming the times you don't have guildies on is rare? And if not, then are you asking to create an entirely separate server, in a game that only has 5 servers now, for a playstyle that doesn't justify the numbers to create this server?
As for building up from level 1.....same point as above, in addition to the fact that lowbie quests aren't difficult. There's always running solo.
Many PD guilds have a rule against running solo. Why? To keep everyone honest.
The playstyle might be popular enough. Here is the issue. multiple guilds on multiple servers. The population that might like the server is actually scattered among them and the rules of most PD guilds are "Only group with guild members".
Having one server with PD rules would mean you wouldn't even need a guild, you could just PuG like you do on any other server. It opens up a whole new set of people to play with. Population is there... just segregated out of need.
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner