I have faith in Eladrin that it will be uber. Uber in my mind would be if it prevents dying once for every turn for 5 minutes.....
I have faith in Eladrin that it will be uber. Uber in my mind would be if it prevents dying once for every turn for 5 minutes.....
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
1. Pala (nice standard)
2. Wiz (nice but evasion is worth more then 1-5 sp saved per cast, +1dc +29 sp)
3. Bard (+2 songs when you have 20-24 already seems pointless, +2 spell pen and +3 dc on class with little cc worth using seems pointless, +29 sp silly)
4. Monk (Is Ki to start really needed and at 1 KI generation maybe nice if its every second)
5. Clr (If im reading it right, after you incap, your 5 min invulnerability fades. Makes it useless but if it doesnt fade then 12 man battle clr raids will break the game)
6. Rog (ROFL)
Only paladin so far makes me not want to multiclass a little.
Last edited by Soul-Shaker; 02-04-2009 at 06:33 AM.
Khyber ¤ Lava Divers ¤
SoulShaker ► SoulZen ▼ SoulKaze ▼ SoulKame ▼ SoulYoroi ▼ SoulKizu ▼ SoulHayai ▼ SoulUta ◄ SoulMoe
SoulTennyo ► SoulSou ▲ SoulKaibutsu ▲ SoulShigai ◄ SoulHanyou
What am I ranking them on?
Relevance to current BotM?
So far I rate them all as a 0
Pally is actually overpowered for the most part
Bard and Wizard are too. They cost less than the second stat increase yet give more benefit... sounds a little power heavy to me
Rogue is ... i believe the term "weak Sauce" applies
Cleric is in the same boat as Rogue really.
In terms of Power:
3d6 to two of the most common Mobs in the game
+2 to Primary Stat and reduction of Spell Cost
+2 to Prmary Stat and bonus to Spell Penetration and Enchantment DCs and Extra Songs and extra Song Length
A Don't Die Effect useable on others
An Oops I Died Effect
Honestly I don't like any of them
I'd make Pally 1d6 Light Damage to non good 1d6 to Evil
Wizards +1 Spell Penetration -1 SP cost to all Metamagics
Bard +2 DC to Enchantments and Song DCs Extend Song Duration
Cleric +2 Turn Attempts -1SP cost to all Metamagics
Rogue All Critters that a Rogue hits are considered to have 25% less Fortification against the rogue. Crit immune creatures are considered to only have 75% Fortification
But then again I'm a little grumpy this morning... stupid snow
OH wow I forgot Monk... guess that kinda covers it doesn't it
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
1) Wizard
2) Paladin
3) Bard
4) Cleric
5) Monk
6) Rogue
The Wizard capstone is beautiful and will likely be at the top of the list when all become announced. The Paladin one is a nice DPS boost but I'm leery on how effective it will be. It looks great but unlike the the Wizard and Bard capstone it is situational so I don't rank it tops.
The Bardic capstone is quite nice but I just don't feel it is as powerful as the Wizard to rank it higher. As some Enchantment spells are not useful at the current end game we're getting a boost that might not see as much play as it should.
I like the Cleric capstone but it doesn't wow me. I'll put it to good use at times but it seems like it is missing components compared to the three above it. Many people bash the Monk capstone but I like it. It is VERY subtle so it doesn't seem that great compared to ones giving the bonuses such as the Wizard and Bardic capstones do.
The Rogue capstone is cool but much too selective and situational to be of great use. Depending on the percentage of ressurection this could be a rather lame enhancement.
Slightly off topic - If the rogue capstone is feign death instead of cheat death, it would be great.
Imagine a rogue getting lots of aggro, he activate Feign Death, bam!, he shakes off all the aggro. It's great too in solo, the mobs just start wandering off thinking he's dead.
Wow, I actually am agreeing with Aesop. Great ideas, really. Now since I am agreeing with you though, I need to go and see if hell has froze over.![]()
Xoriat born, Xoriat sworn
Dwat Motto - Preperation is the mother of good fortune.
Dharley, Domidar, Sotek, Domia, Drambow, Krispykream, Eulon, Stinkbait, Oleo, Dhapper
"Some things have to be believed to be seen." Ralph Hodgson
Ciarra Stormbringer Cleric/Sorceror
Darianna Dawnbringer Wizard
Riasha Dawnbringer Rogue/Fighter
Rhavynheart Stormbringer Cleric
Kestryl Stormbringer Sorceror
After further review, I'm gonna go with
Paladin being the best, Wizard and Bard tying for second place![]()
I dont play fighters, barbs, wiz or sorc so I won't comment on those.
Bard and Pally capstones rock.
Don't know about Ranger yet.
Cleric total sucks.
Monk is lame and does not lessen then prevaling dislike of them in groups.
1) Wizzards-->This one is quite nice
2) Pallys-->Finally some pally love
3) Bards-->Not bad for spell singers I guess
Monk-->This one blows chunks
.Rogue-->This one sucks a$$
Cleric-->This one is the crown jewel of suckiness
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
anyone who think monk capstone is lousy obviously is already monk hater or never play monk or a player who play monk but dont understand monk.
i play with monk all time and am very good with my monk, am very excite about this capstone, it is perfect capstone
just one hint: with that capstone, how often u think monk can use quivering palm??
so i rank monk no 1, other classes i cant rank them as i never play them, only other i play with is ranger and fighter
People get this straight:
Turn undead is a granted class feat for being a cleric. You dont pick it and you cant give it up.
How many turns depends on what said clerics CHA score is. Even my hubbies multiclass barb/rogue/cleric who started with a 6 CHA has 2 or 3 turns.
Whether or not a cleric decides to take an enhancement line that lets them expend said turns to do something other than turn undead is all that can be changed.
So the capstone may not be something a cleric wants to invest in, anymore than they want to take Divine vitality, healing, cleansing or light---not a matter of not being able to use it due to "not playing with turns".
Personally, I am not terribly impressed with the cleric capstone though I can see certain situations where it might be helpful.
"Some things have to be believed to be seen." Ralph Hodgson
Ciarra Stormbringer Cleric/Sorceror
Darianna Dawnbringer Wizard
Riasha Dawnbringer Rogue/Fighter
Rhavynheart Stormbringer Cleric
Kestryl Stormbringer Sorceror
True it has great uses, but I think it only works for physical damage. Ie; elemental/alignment and untyped damage will still overcome this capstone.
Depending on how fast the Monk "Ki" regen is, it will be a very powerful capstone as the monk will not require outside healing for non-raid(and some raid) quests.
1)Paladin(no need to carry good aligned weapons to bypass DR/, makes up for cross-class intimidate/UMD with a fair DPS boost)
2)Monk(4th if very slow regen rate)
3)Wizard(2nd *see Monk)(versitility boost, sp reduction)
4)Bard(3rd *see Monk)(brings bards to the enchantment DC of a Sorc and almost Wiz, + spell pen)
5)Cleric(situational imortaility vs physical damage)
6)Rogue(post death effect, thus very situational)
Pure comedy. Thanks for keeping a sense of humour despite the terrible capstone
I know! Let's make an equilivant capstone for rangers!
Ranger capstone: Increases your maximum sp by 20 and reduces all spellcosts by 1.
And that is basically what the monk capstone equates to.
Anyone who doesn't see that the monk capstone is far and away the worse regurgitated piece of day old pizza needs to have their head examined.
Khyber ¤ Lava Divers ¤
SoulShaker ► SoulZen ▼ SoulKaze ▼ SoulKame ▼ SoulYoroi ▼ SoulKizu ▼ SoulHayai ▼ SoulUta ◄ SoulMoe
SoulTennyo ► SoulSou ▲ SoulKaibutsu ▲ SoulShigai ◄ SoulHanyou