I prefer Drow for all my sorcs. Having a capped base cha gives you a +1 to spell dc and +25 sp compared to having an 18 base as a cap.
I prefer Drow for all my sorcs. Having a capped base cha gives you a +1 to spell dc and +25 sp compared to having an 18 base as a cap.
Too true.....race comes down to personal preference IMO. But equipment can be the difference in a Ok caster and an Outstanding caster.
I know that SR is a "joke" if not using the enhancements.....but if you do have the enhancement, it can be a lifesaver at times. But my casters usually kill things long before they can cast a spell with SR on it anywayOriginally Posted by desteria
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=224783 - Epic Fail Shroud
I have both, and I would strongly recommend WF. The ability to cast reconstructs is such a big advantage it trumps all other race choices by a lot.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
At current level cap:
Char Drow: 20 Base + 3 tome + 4 level +3 enh +6 item +3 exceptional (shroud item)=39
Char Human: 18 Base +3 tome +4 level +3 enh + 6 item +3 exceptional +1 human enh=38
So at level 16 both sorcs have the same spell DC but the human gains the extra feat, has more hit points, and HV as an option. I currently have a drow sorc with 39 char, and I really wish I rolled him as a human so that I'd have more hit points and the extra feat (SF:UMD, Enlarge, Spell Focus, or Mental Toughness). At end game a drow has nothing over a human spell DC wise and a human has the extra feat and more hit points.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
It's not impossible to aquire the Abbot trinket. It would just take the right group, with the right gear, that has patience and the ability to devote time to mastering the Abbot Raid. For a netural drow vs a Good aligned human, if the drow had the Abbot trinket, the drow would be ahead by +1 spell dc.
I do agree that without the Abbot Trinket, at end game drow and humans are usually always equal with spell dc and sp.
Mine has a 36 Charisma per the formula you laid out, above.
Her Health is good enough for a caster, and I may have overdone it. Unbuffed 210 Health. Add Proof Against Poison Ring of Greater False Life and I'm at 240 before False Life, Greater Heroism, Rage.
If I were to roll Ermizhad again, I'd have gone with a little less Constitution and a higher Intelligence so I'd have had more Skill Points to work with.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
Good skills for a sorc would be balance (helps in Titan, if you get knocked down, that sometimes results ina death. high balance allows for an easier and quicker time getting a balance check), tumble (I only invest 1 point at lvl 2 here. Just so I can use it as a skill even though it won't be high), bluff (for certain circumstances such as bluffing NPCs), haggle (its nice ona sorc, especially if you don't have a bard), and concentration (important on every caster). I made a sorc but discounted the value of balance. I make every toon with balance now.
I think all three options (drow, human, WF) work perfectly fine for a well built and well played character and the advantages and disadvantages of each mostly end up as a wash for group play. A WF is probably the best if you are doing SERIOUS soloing. If your soloing largely amounts to running around in the explorer areas for loot runs, all three are able to effectively nuke their way through everything (as well as most quests). If you want to solo all high level quests, WF probably has an edge--because of quick self-heals in tight spots. Outside of soloing, I think you can freely pick any of the three based on any criteria you want (appearance, height, phobia about rust monsters, etc.) and do just fine. My personal favorite is human. But I would have a hard time arguing that any particular feature or group of features of the human make that much difference compared to the others in terms of real life game play at end game. For example, my human has more hit points than my Drow--but with rare exception, they both have "enough" hit points. A certain completely unbuffed Drow build with less hp might die from a single meteor swarm in the face (250 hp damage) where a WF or human with more hp survives. But in game play, where they have all cast cold shield and fire protect/resist, they are all taking almost no damage--so it is a wash. Either one is toast if they end up alone with a head full of bees with a full health Xy'zzy. A number of the answers to your question have had this theme, which might be unsatisfying if you suspect that there is a "best" answer and that you will end up with regrets if you pick one path versus the other. In my opinion (only one vote) and best guess, you will not have regrets with any of the choices. Pick one based on anything you want, build it smartly, and get ready to have a ton of fun.
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
I like my human sorc a lot. I did the 18/18 thing on her, and she's sitting at 316 unbuffed HP right now (without a shroud item or rage, could easily hit 377 with both). She solos amazingly... but only because UMD is sitting at a 38 or so.
If you're not going to have the raid gear to pump into UMD... WF is the better choice. WF would also heal cheaper if that's an issue for you.
I can't abide drow sorcs... they all seem to have half the hit points my sorc does, and drop at the drop of a hat. At end game, the 1 extra charisma they get isn't worth the hit point loss.
Healing isn't an issue when you can't fail to throw a Heal scroll. I'd suggest Human.
DEFINITELY don't go 18 Constitution. I'd recommend this:
Str 8
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 18
Charisma Breakdown, Endgame:
18 Base
4 Levels
1 Tome
3 Sorcerer Charisma
1 Human Adaptability Charisma
9 Greensteel Charisma Scepter
This gives you a 36, and is fairly easy to acquire. With a +3 Tome you will have a 38.
The Drow requires all of the same, as well as an Abbot raid item to reach a 40 Charisma. Otherwise, the Drow and Human typically have the same DC on their spells, and the Human has more HP and an extra feat.
Last edited by bigj1608; 02-03-2009 at 05:06 PM.
I would suggest wizard for you. It is important to learn the spells and to learn the quests and to learn the mobs. Wizard is a good beginner arcane caster. After playing the training arcane caster to cap, you will know more what you need in a character.
1. Do you die alot. If yes, choose a WF caster.
2. Otherwise choose a Human or Drow.
Humans will get extra feat and more skill points. This might not sound like a big difference but it is.
Drow will get negligibly more Spell points, a better DC, and here is the best part 10% more points to spend on enhancements ( they dont have to spend 6 points to max their stat out at 38). That's like a level and a half more enhancements. This makes a huge difference since you can specialize in two areas of power while still getting good SP, Charisma, and meta magic enhancements.
But, I stress again. Do yourself a favor and play the training arcane caster (wizard) first.
If you go Wizard, which I very strongly discourage you to do, go Warforged![]()
I have 4 sorcs. 1 elf, 2 human and 1 drow. The drow is my fav by far and has the most sp. W/O the greensteel sceptar but with a greensteel item she is sitting at 2530 sp. AC is not an issue once you learn some tactical manuevers.
However, build what you want to play and ENJOY!
I'd suggest not taking either of the Mental Toughness feats.
There is a stereotype that Drow sorcs are too squishy. While it is true that Drow max out at less hp than humans or WF, I think this stereotype is based in large part on build issues. I believe that there are many Drow sorcs running around that are people's first 400 favor builds (my Drow sorc is an example of this). Many of these characters were built by players (like me) who had not yet figured out how to ideally balance con/hp with other traits. Many human and WF sorcs are people's 32 point builds (mine is) built with greater game knowledge and wisdom. Thus, I think there are a lot of Drow running around with somewhat low hps. With a good build (if hps are desired), a Drow can have plenty of hps. From healing on my cleric, I know there are many Drow running around with under 200 hp. But there is no reason a Drow can't comfortably be in the 250-300 range with little or no sacrifice to other important build traits. I think if most Drow were running around in this range, the stereotype would largely disappear. Drow sorcs do not have to be squishy. From a min/max perspective, they are squishier than humans or WF, but do not have to be squisy.
Last edited by KingOfCheese; 02-03-2009 at 06:13 PM.
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
I agree a drow can be great, but the question is what is best. Currently, at end game what is best is a human sorc since you'll have more hit points an a extra feat with the same number of spell points and the same spell DCs. With the Abbot trinket the drow can get to 40 (+1 DC over human) so long as your sorc is chaotic aligned, if not then you're taking a neg level when you equip it so you're no better off than the human in this case.
Like I said, I have a drow sorc with 39 char/20 con and he has over 200 hp but I still think human is the better choice at end game.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
For my person opinion, if you have 32 point builds unlocked, human is better than drow. Somewhat for the hp, but mainly for the extra feat.
Drow is a decent choice to unlock 32 point builds with...
And warforged are great if you are planning a solo type caster build.
For my personal playstyle... I have a wf sorc and a wf wizard, that I use for soloing, and for carrying weaker parties along.
And I have my drow sorc that I've pretty much dedicated to party/raid support, that I used to unlock 32 point builds on my second account.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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You can solo just fine with a Human or Drow as well. Heal scrolls typically fill you up.
with 32 pointers unlocked, I'd go for the human or WF over the drow. Human has extra feat, can get same DC, more hp. WF has DC -1, lots of immunities, way more hp and easy self-healing right out of the box. A guy in my guild runs a WF sorc, and the thing is a beast. Almost unkillable!
Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane