Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
For someone who doesn't have 32-point builds yet, though, Drow can be a very viable choice. Even then, though, it's mostly a matter of preference. Drow are better looking than either humans or WF (well, female drow anyway....all male elves in this game look pained), and for someone whose preferred playstyle involves hanging back (or perching) somewhere relatively safe rather than running in close and mixing it up, the lower con of the Drow isn't as much of a drawback....and starting with a 20 CHA is a definite plus.
:/ i know if u invest enough ap, self-scrolling can be quite effective...but well...i put most of my ap into meta magic efficiency....(mostly improved heighten which i use a lot)
anyway, my point is self-healing from a wf is more reliable,quick and gear-free...remember that without a lot of raid gears and gs item, its hard to boost umd to 39 for 100% heal from scroll...
Last edited by ForwardWu; 02-08-2009 at 04:48 AM.
First off, tyvm for the detailed response about the stats I highlighted. It helped a lot.
Just to refresh, I am only looking at 28-pt builds (Hu, Drow or WF). And I am looking at only having group gear (and don't have a huge plat bank to twink him with).
So I am leaning toward WF atm to balance some soloing survivability with general Sorc build... although the significant hit to Cha (-4 or -3 vs Drow/Hu) is nagging at me some. From experience, how much is the lower Cha gonna hurt me? Obviously right off the bat my modified UMD is gonna take a hit from the lower Cha?
Projecting out the three builds to Level 8, with comparable enchancements across all three races (2 levels of Cha, 2 levels of Spell Points, etc.:
At L8:
Human: 732 SP, 23 Cha, 11.5 UMD
Drow: 749 SP, 24 CHA, 12.5 UMD
WF: 715 SP, 20 CHA, 10.5 UMD -- Note: 6 Wis but Force of Personality
With my WF build, I am actually looking at NOT having a high/max Con, and leaving it lowish to use the ability points elsewhere and maybe using 2 WF Con enhancements.
Some question or assumptions that further input would greatly help:
- WF with lowish (10-12) Con: I am seeing the advantages of WF beyond the starter Con -- immunities and Wizzy spell/wand heals in particular
- Wis: So it is a meaningless stat for me outside of Will Save, and with Force of Pers that should be irrelevant
- Str: Since I'm not planning on Meleeing, relatively meaningless stat outside of carrying weight and how many times I can take a Str stat hit from Pois/Dis
- WF: The immunity to pois and dis is potentially fairly useful in terms of not taking stat damage, especially if Str and Con are not that hgih to begin with
- Con: Outside of cumulative HP gains, only relevant for Fortitude save?
- Saves: For your average "back of the group"' Sorc what is the relative importance of Reflex vs. Will vs. Fortitude saves?
Thanks again for any advice and insight on this.
I personally love my WF sorc. I think he started with a 16 Charisma. That seemed at first to me to bea game breaker. Later though the only times I notice a difference is when I am running along side of my guildie who is well equiped in shroud equipment on a drow sorc. I dont have any shroud items yet but am working on it. I think at 16 with no greater false life item just con and a +6 con item and no tome I have like 206hp, not too bad. Reconstruct is very nice and it takes alot of the load off of clerics if you can let them know you have it so they dont double heal you and waste their mana.
Clearly UMD of a wf soc will be worse than a drow or human, but your UMD will be good enough to by pass RR equipments. For UMD scrolls, the major scrolls I UMD with my human is Heal and Restoration, which both can be ignored by a wf soc with his immunity to lv drain and self scroll reconstruction ability.
You will feel a bit lag behind a the lv of 8-13, while you can see drow can frequently land PK. As a wf soc I would recommend using fewer single target spells with that need save check. Personally my wf soc use Fear as a CC spell, as it is an AOE spell and even target save the spell, there is still penalty on it. Once you get heighten and your lv is high enough, a heighten web makes not much big difference from a drow/human/wf. You can also consider pick school focus if you are going to play CC style to compensate ur lower DC.
(spells with no save like enervation, irr dance are good choice for a wf)
For stats:
Str: 8 is ok
Con: 14-16 is better as the buy point is cheap
Wis: 6 is ok, if you are planning on FOP
For saves:
Fort: it will nvr be a problem as a wf
Reflex: it will always be a problem for any caster type with low dex, as you cant save vs AOE damage spell (e.g COC, FB, Chain light), webs and trips. No wonder caster hate spiders and dogs.
(use Fireshied if there will be web, and a fearsom docent if dogs are around....for AOE spells...just get some ele pro you will be fine)
Will: if you are going to take FOP, it will nvr be an issue. However, I wil recommend add wis to about 10 and just skip FOP if you are feat starving, as the only real threat that need will saves are Symbol of Stun and Greater Command. Socc has a nice base save in Will, with a 4 resist item and GH, your will can easily boost to 20+ if ur wis started at 10)
My 28pt wf soc has the following starting stat:
Str 8
Con 16
Dex 8
Wis 6
Int 14
Cha 16
Last edited by ForwardWu; 02-14-2009 at 12:22 AM.
So in the past 2 weeks I have powerlvled my WF sorc up to lvl 12. He has 196 hp at the moment and almost 1300sp. He is built for fire, and his firewalls are a wonderful thing to see. As most of the posts have stated, my dc for single killing spells like PK SUUUCK. However, if I really want to pick something off I carry around enervate scrolls, hit it with that, then shoot off a PK and i works fine. I carry around GH scrolls as well, since I really dont have a spellslot for it yet, and that also helps.
Anyway, he has by far been a fun character to play. Thanks to all for the posts.
News flash: (Turbine has sneaked this in before the mod)
Enervation is now susceptible to spell resistance. A fully spec'd drow now can have some trouble getting DC spells to land on some high end spell resistant mobs. I suspect mod 9 will continue or make worse this trend. IMO, scroll casting is totally useless against spell resistant mobs.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
IMHO, Drow win, hands down, for 28 point builds. When you move to 32 point builds, Humans have the edge (but just) due to the additonal points, and a feat.
I also like having SR on my characters....but the ring in hound gives you Wiz VI, SR 22, improved you can reclaim those points once you get it.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
Capped my WF sorc a few days ago, and lemmy tell you something about hittin that Reconstruct Spell. LIFE SAVER!!! I doubt I will ever roll any other caster that besides WF. Love playing him.