I've completed two Tiers on my next Shroud item, a cloak of smoke. My original plan was to go:

Air - +10hp, +1 dex skills (done)
Fire - +15 hp, +2 dex skills, Displacement 2/day (done)
Fire/Smoke - +20 hp, +3 dex skills, Permanent Blur

The main thing I wanted was the +45 hp, Displacement clicky, and blur.

However, last night in guild chat some folks were saying that the permanent blur isn't worth dual-sharding and that I should instead go with Air for Tier 3. That would give me the hp, the dex skills, but no bonus effect.

I hadn't thought of doing something that doesn't give a bonus at Tier 3...anyone else do something like an Air-Fire-Air?

The ing savings is pretty big, but I lose permanent blur. As a low-AC rogue, 20% chance to be missed is pretty big but is it worth 12 larges?

Should I have gone Air-Air-Air? I think the displacement clicky will be pretty helpful but I could have gotten Haste clicky and Air guard instead of Displacement for the same ings.

Thoughts on passing on the Tier 3 bonus?