Have 100 send PM with how many and offer.
Have 100 send PM with how many and offer.
300k and a hug
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
Health is always looking for some Sac.
haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.
Health-Aundair 16th lvl cleric,Denzal 16th lvl wizzard
Hotnsexy 13fighter 3pally,Start 16 barb
Hotnsweaty 6 monk,U 9 cleric , Murphys 15fighter1pally,older 15clr1barb,glazzed 14/2 barb,fighter
Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."