I have a +1 W/P Heavy Pick min lvl 10.
Would it be possible to get a +1 W/P Repeater, preferably Heavy, in exchange for my Heavy Pick? Or is the Heavy Pick worth less in value compared to the repeater?
I have a +1 W/P Heavy Pick min lvl 10.
Would it be possible to get a +1 W/P Repeater, preferably Heavy, in exchange for my Heavy Pick? Or is the Heavy Pick worth less in value compared to the repeater?
It's all about the crit range. Prob not a repeater, maybe a shortsword or dagger.
Takeda Postman Photius Validosius Aginor Valentinian Valentoon Patrel Belisarius Uprite Upright Agathius Khusrau Anshar Tenor Menander
No a pick is far less valuable it is because of the crit range same as dagger and ss they have broader crit ranges so will be worth far more than the pick.
Proud Officer of The Madborn
More tanks have Improved Crit Peircing, which brings the crit range to 10%. With g2wf, which gives more attacks, a Heavy Pick isn't the best but is still nice to have if you don't have any other meelee weapon. Ranged combat is slower than meelee.
I'd trade my heavy pick for any W/P repeater. Any minimum lvl, and any +#. No race required plz.