Trading +2 tomes..... Need large Scales, Stones, maybe Shrap.
Have Con, Str, Int, and Cha.
Trading +2 tomes..... Need large Scales, Stones, maybe Shrap.
Have Con, Str, Int, and Cha.
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
PM Sent
[Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
[Davey•Khealer•Acapella•Parlospi•Godith•Gearey Gygax]
got a cha con and int left
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
have 2 + con tomes and 2 +2 int tomes
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -