Hi everyone! Episode 103 of DDOcast is now ready. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and "save as" to download as an mp3.

This week's show features a new Masterwork Theatre about the Battle-Cleric, BigBadBarry looks at the Bloodstone in "From the Treasure Chest", Steiner-Davion answers some email on "Definitive Collectibles" and Mical the Wise looks at spell combos in "The Caster Corner". Just for the heck of it I also end the show with a track from DDO player and musician IchariuS. Thanks so much for listening!


Here's a LINK to information about Monday's downtime and forum wipe.

Here's a LINK to changes coming to the Paladin Capstone: Weapons of Good.

Here's a LINK to the Bard: Musical Prodigy Capstone.

Here's a LINK to Ollathir's excellent forum post featuring links for new players.

Here's a LINK to the latest Stormreach Chronicle.

Here's a LINK to the excellent thread about haste and striding.

Here's a LINK to IchariuS' song on YouTube.


1:00 Monday downtime and forum talk
4:00 Hirelings and Shrines, Runes, Switches
4:47 Paladin Capstone: Weapons of Good change
6:15 Bard: Musical Prodigy Capstone
7:45 Music thoughts
9:46 Ranger cryptic hint
10:18 Ram's Might
10:55 New Player Links and New Player Tip: Favor
18:13 Stormreach Chronicle
19:10 Masterwork Theatre 3
23:38 From the Treasure Trove - Bloodstone
27:45 Definitive Collectibles - Mailbag
33:55 The Caster Corner - spell combos
35:53 Events
37:07 Thread Alert: Haste and Striding
37:35 Permadeath A-Go-Go!
41:15 Music Special and End

Total Time: 50:05
