How many large scales on average should it take to buy a +15 Intimidate Ring?
What about a +15 Concentration Ring?
How many large scales on average should it take to buy a +15 Intimidate Ring?
What about a +15 Concentration Ring?
If ya go ah value on both 2-3 scales is same value but an intim ring IMO is far more valuable than the price range on the AH as some will say different someone would prrobably offer ya a good amount of larges if you put it up for trade. Thats a very nice ring and highly sought after.
As far as the concentration ring for a monk might be sought after but concentration rings aren't extremely valuable maybe 20k plat or so some may pay more thats just my OP
Proud Officer of The Madborn
Different server of course, but +15 items are starting to drop in price in anticipation of mod 9.
aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
Phoenix Crusaders - Khyber
If you aren't planning on using it I would get rid of it fastI got one months ago for a Bloodstone and I believe it was worth it at the time.
Current Project: Cercivesoul Uzuaki 17 Fav. Soul / 2 Monk / 1 Fighter
Cersivsoul Uzuaki 20 Fav. Soul
"Spreading ignorance and chaos among the forum community."
Higher level items will increase the odds that the item will have intim +15 and some other stuff. Kind of like +6 stat items of X, ML 15 are fairly ubiquitous now. Sell it soon, and price to sell, IMO.