I hate to be that obnoxious guy with the short wants list, but:
large stones and scales
smiting rapier (will trade a banishing rapier for one straight up; see below)
w/e rapier
w/p ss/daggers(especially more than +1)
green briar twigs
I don't really need anything else; please, no plat. Interesting items always welcome (firestorm greaves, kardins eyes, other re-tradables) Priority, though, is given to offers that involve stuff i need.
Named loot of some significance:
scourge choker (starting bid: 2 of every large)
belt of thoughtful remembrance
beholder optic nerves
cloak of ice
cloak of curses (hi suulomades)
stave of the seer (+5 umd, truesight clicky)
tome page 3 (this is the page that has III on it; text calls it page 8, it goes in the 3rd slot going left to right in the tome binding)
tome page 6 (has vi on it, also called page 6)
shield piece 6
shield piece 7
non-named things in no particular order
+1 anarchic light pick of greater construct bane
+1 banishing rapier of something or other (will trade this straight up for effective, non-vicious smiting rapier)
ghost touch/disruption kama
ghost touch/disruption dwarven axes (2)
+3 weakening of enfeebling khopesh
+3 vorpal khopesh
+2 vorpal handaxe (finessable)
+2 weakening light repeating crossbow of enfeebling
banishing shortswords (2)
weakening of puncturing bow
keen dagger of smiting
+5 mfp (ml 8, 2)
+5 mts (ml 8)
+5 mcs (ml 8)
+2 tome of dexterity
Copious amounts of platinum
Copious amounts of other larges