I have ran the ran the shroud a few times but never pull large scales or stones, any one wanna trade 2 lg bones or 2 lg arrowheads for a lg scale and lg stone. And are blue scales worth trades for lg scales?
I have ran the ran the shroud a few times but never pull large scales or stones, any one wanna trade 2 lg bones or 2 lg arrowheads for a lg scale and lg stone. And are blue scales worth trades for lg scales?
Don't give up. Scales and stones are the 2 ingrieds that everyone wants. Sclaes and stones are used in the most crafting recipies, so they are in a higher demand than the other crafting ingrieds. Sometimes it just takes a while for them to start to come in chests. They seem to fall in waves for you, but never sadly ias frequently as we all would like. And while blue dragon scales are valueable, they are not worth a large devil scale to most players and probably not worth a large stone. I'd say stick with it and you'll get a few.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
If you have only run the shroud a few times . Don't get upset so easily. There are guys that do 20-30 runs straight without pulling large scales. It's just a die roll on the part 5 chest.
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
Proud member of Loreseekers
bah all lies! just pray to the shroud gods and you shall receive![]()
Knights of the Phoenix
Sorcerer's - TooHotz & TooHots | Wizard - SooHotz | Barbarian - Cenotaph | Ranger/Rogue - Dezrie | Ranger/Monk/Rogue - Dezerick | Cleric - TooNubez & Dezrick
2 step process
1) try to rub off some luck off Boldrin
2) run shroud
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Yeah, this is DDO - doing the same stupid **** over and over and over and over for nothing but a chance at a part of something you want is par for the course. Man, I swear I think that guy Madoff was a DEV for DDO with the scam they have going for what counts as content or endgame in this game.
Khyber: Agynt Smyth, Agynte Smyth, Ajynt Smyth, Ajynte Smyth, Agyynt Smyth
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
To the OP, if you've run the shroud only a few times, don't concern yourself with large scales. It will be a while until you get to the third alter, unless you have tons of plat. Just enjoy the quest for the moment, while it is still new. If you dislike the quest, good luck, as it may take many, many runs to get the appropriate ingredients for crafting.
An idea might be to look at what smalls you need. If you like to grind, or really want that GS item quick, you can exit before completion, so you don't have to wait 3 days to run it again. After you get the smalls/mediums you need, you can atleast craft a pretty nice item, while you are waiting for those elusive large scales to drop.
Getting a second or even third toon to cap is nice, as you can run a Shroud daily on a different toon, and pool these larges for your main.
After about 15 runs (over 2 toons), I've pulled 1 scale and 3 stones, so hang in there. But, something to look out for, I've never had a (small) shard of power drop for me, but someone was nice of enough to pass me one. If someone asks if anyone needs a shard, be sure to speak up.
Easy, talk Boldrin into a trade. Poor **&^*^ NEEDS LG shrapnel.![]()
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