We have enabled the "Thread Rating" feature for this forum! You can rate the build threads which you have found most useful! How do you rate threads? Glad you asked!
How To Rate Threads
When a thread is rated, you give it a rating between 1 and 5 stars:
1 star (Terrible)
5 stars (Excellent)
You can only rate a thread once. Thread ratings average out over the number of ratings it receives. You can then sort the threads in the forum view according to their ratings by clicking on the "Rating" sort link in the forum header bar:
To rate a build thread, click on the thread as if you were going to read it (if you haven't already) and you will see the "Rate Thread" menu at the top-right corner of the page in the gray bar:
To rate the thread, simply click the link and choose the rating!
[For example: You can rate this thread by clicking on the stars at the top right corner of this post]
Tips for rating build threads
We recommend rating build threads on any of the following qualities:
- Easy to understand and use the character build
- Thread contains good/helpful discussion about character building by OP and/or other participants
- Unique character idea and design
- Great resource for aspiring builders to improve their building skills
Enjoy the builds forum!