PM with how much plat you want for them... or if you are looking for specific items, let me know
Full up on wounders... need one more vorpal and some disrupters
PM with how much plat you want for them... or if you are looking for specific items, let me know
Full up on wounders... need one more vorpal and some disrupters
Last edited by houtster; 01-31-2009 at 11:08 AM.
I will say Yes. I do not know if 'wounding' exists in DDO, but Crippling does. They are the same, but different. Either alone is dangerous - together is pure carnage. I hope it does - that will be my next weap.
Vorpal? fuhgehdaboudet - i'll hop in the middle of any brawl.
Last edited by Khorban; 01-30-2009 at 06:13 PM.
I am who I am...I do what I do
DDO....What's in YOUR Startup Menu?
I can verify that there IS such thing as a wounding kama. Sorry for my previous comment.
I know someone has a level 10 disrupting kama laying around... GIVE IT UP!!
u will find that the 500 lb gorilla in this game is wounding/puncturing. wounding deals 1 pt of con damage when u successfully deal hp damage to the enemy. puncturing deals 1d6 con damage when u successfully confirm a critical hit. clearly the hierarchy goes: bow<repeater<heavy pick<light pick<dagger<shortsword<rapier.
the rule of thumb for vorpal is: if it takes 20 or more swings on average to kill a mob, use vorpal. otherwise, use what kills it in the fewest amount of swings. i have a tank with 14 str, so his options against the renders in the subterrain are vorp or w/p. as it turns out, w/p kills them faster. also, if an undead mob only fails his disruption of a 1, this makes it exactly as fast as vorpal, except that u dont have to confirm a crit. unlike wounding however, vorpal and disruption can proc even if you do not get any damage through the enemie's DR.