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Thread: Metamagic Idea

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  1. #1
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    Default Metamagic Idea

    I was in a group recently so I will preface this isnt my idea only relaying the thought.

    The ability to tag each spell with a meta feat. IE not having to turn on heighten everytime you cast dancing ball but when you cast web. Or Maximize firewall but not fireball or magic missle. Its kinda hard for me to put it into words but the idea was so you wouldnt have to constantly turn the feat on or off but be able to cast your spell and have your preference already attatched to that spell.

    Well it was just a thought we kicked around in the group and I thought I would post it and see what you all thought.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    its been asked for before but since its a good idea it doesnt hurt to ask again.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    Ah, thanks Uska didnt know it was asked before, teaches me to not use the search .

    Would be nice to have say a drop down menu on each spell where you can drag the meta icons onto.

    Maybe there is some super coding behind it that would make it too rough.

  4. #4
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    If each spell could be set up with it's appropriate metamagics applied, this would allow the easier implementation of the rules regarding the maximum allowable metamagic-ing of a spell. Be careful what you wish for.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  5. #5
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    I think if they did that they would have to asign spell levels to the metafeats and move away from SPs and back to the number of each level a day you can cast. I would not nessesarily be against such a change however, they would have to change alot of quests and add more shrines and make mobs lose alot of HP and blanket resists. It would be a reverse cascade that could be DOOOOOOOOOOO000ooo0o0oo000oomMMmmMmmm!! if implimented .

    At any rate it was just an idea to eliminate the need to have to turn something off you dont need the feat for but still effects the SP consumption while using the feat on something that needs the feat.

  6. #6
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracolich View Post
    I think if they did that they would have to asign spell levels to the metafeats and move away from SPs and back to the number of each level a day you can cast. I would not nessesarily be against such a change however, they would have to change alot of quests and add more shrines and make mobs lose alot of HP and blanket resists. It would be a reverse cascade that could be DOOOOOOOOOOO000ooo0o0oo000oomMMmmMmmm!! if implimented .
    I understand what you are say, but I do not necesarily think it would have to be done this way, let alone spell DOOOOMMMM for DDO, but a rework of this kind would essentially require a revamping of the entire game, akin to making DDO 2.0 Not necesaarily a bad thing, but I'd only play one of the two and would prefer that they converted one subscription to the other so, to keep the game alive. But this is not going to happen, and would be a distraction of resources.

    But as someone mentioned a couple of posts back, Spell & Metamagic Sets (ala weapon sets would accomplish this idea nicely, and would do what 3.0/3.5 PnP have regarding Metamagics. You have to memorize the spell with the Metamagic Feat.

    Of course, I do not agree that we would have to assign spells per day and level adjustments for metamagics like PnP does.

  7. #7
    Community Member Robshell's Avatar
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    Excellent idea. Would love to be able to have spells with the metamagics on/off on my hotbar without having to turn on/off the metamagic feats themselves. Seems to be a bit tedious sometimes, and I think it would make a lot of casters happy!

    I would be happy to have something similar to what is in place for weapons and shields... drag the spell and metamagic to special spell slots in your character sheet, then drag that spell/metamagic icon to the hotbar. Although any addition in this regard would satisfy me.

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