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  1. #1
    Community Member ChadMan's Avatar
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    Default Can any one point me to a good soloing build

    like title says can u point me to a good soloing build


  2. #2
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    a rogue/wizard warforged should solo well. i'm sure there are plenty of builds already if you search.

    i found a pure paladin good for soling to an extent, but a umd rogue/pally would be better. lots of those builds are posted as well.

    and of course 'battle' clerics, pure or multiclassed.

  3. #3
    Community Member paul1devries's Avatar
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    I have found the Rgr/1 level rogue to be very effective

    Bring lots of cakes, candy canes and pots early on until you get cure spells...

  4. #4
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    First decision to make: do you care about cleaning the dungeon? If you do, you gotta have disable. If you don't, then your options open up more since you don't need a Rogue level.

  5. #5
    Community Member ChadMan's Avatar
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    im looking for u know like if there are no lfms up i can go and do the quest i need solo example: I need cabal for one then i can go solo it

  6. #6
    Community Member cypan41's Avatar
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    Default "Spellsword" build *thelanis*

    I'm currently playing my solo toon, though she won't be done til lvl 20.

    Human/11 cleric/2monk/7 wiz

    Not sure off hand my starting stats. I believe they were.
    10 str
    15 dex
    11 con
    18 wis
    11 int
    8 cha

    I used +2 tomes for str dex wis and Int. *you can get away with using none or 1's but you'll loose some ac bonuses, and as for int, you want an 13 so you can get combat expertise.

    The reasons.

    Cleric- blade barrier and heal, raise dead and heal scrolls too. As well as being able to cleric lower lvl content til vale stuff lvl 14-16 long as you're not on elite.
    Monk- two lvls to get evasion and the wisdom bonus's to ac.
    Wizard- You get two feats. Also. 14 min shield/blur as well as displacement and haste.

    A well outfitted toon *icy raiments* +8 ac bracers (should be easier to find after mod 9) and a few other easily found items and you can get your ac up into the lower 60's to mid 60's.

    This is a rapier user. but none of your class's or race will get you it. so.
    Use your wizard lvls for maximize, empower, and Enlarge. Lvl 12 is for improved pierce, other than that you can choose when you want to get each.
    I do encourage you to do 11 lvls of cleric first, or at least get the 11 cleric done by lvl 12 *take a lvl of monk if you must*.

    Rapier (lvl 1)
    Weapon Finesse
    dual wielding
    combat expertise (monk lvl )
    Dodge (monk lvl)
    Emproved crit pierce (at lvl 12)

    At 20 you should be able to cast maximized, empowered, extended Bladebarrier and Firewall. Good for end boss's where you are not going to have the dps to take them out.
    Otherwise you'll be using punctures, banishers, smiters, distruptors, to take out the regular mobs. Your vopals will be hand axes, kamas, or sycles
    While your blur and high ac are going to allow you to take the trash mobs out without being pummeled. Besides, you get hit, cast Heal on yourself and you're ready to keep going.
    You will be using Divine power all the time. Extended it will last 1.54 seconds I believe. So you'll be clicking a lot. But you'll be fighting with a bab the same as a 20 fighter.

    Solo it's the best build I've come up with. You are able to fight like a fighter for regular mobs in the majority of missions, you can act as a secondary healer for raids, as well as caster, as well as some dps with the right shroud weps.

    Not gonna get missions which require a rogue, but other than that this should be a fun one to play.

    I enjoy playing mine.

    Good luck
    Last edited by cypan41; 02-11-2009 at 12:33 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cypan41 View Post
    I'm currently playing my solo toon, though she won't be done til lvl 20.

    Human/11 cleric/2monk/7 wiz

    Not sure off hand my starting stats. I believe they were.
    10 str
    15 dex
    11 con
    18 wis
    11 int
    8 cha

    I used +2 tomes for str dex wis and Int. *you can get away with using none or 1's but you'll loose some ac bonuses, and as for int, you want an 13 so you can get combat expertise.

    The reasons.

    Cleric- blade barrier and heal, raise dead and heal scrolls too. As well as being able to cleric lower lvl content til vale stuff lvl 14-16 long as you're not on elite.
    Monk- two lvls to get evasion and the wisdom bonus's to ac.
    Wizard- You get two feats. Also. 14 min shield/blur as well as displacement and haste.

    A well outfitted toon *icy raiments* +8 ac bracers (should be easier to find after mod 9) and a few other easily found items and you can get your ac up into the lower 60's to mid 60's.

    This is a rapier user. but none of your class's or race will get you it. so.
    Use your wizard lvls for maximize, empower, and Enlarge. Lvl 12 is for improved pierce, other than that you can choose when you want to get each.
    I do encourage you to do 11 lvls of cleric first, or at least get the 11 cleric done by lvl 12 *take a lvl of monk if you must*.

    Rapier (lvl 1)
    Weapon Finesse
    dual wielding
    combat expertise (monk lvl )
    Dodge (monk lvl)
    Emproved crit pierce (at lvl 12)

    At 20 you should be able to cast maximized, empowered, extended Bladebarrier and Firewall. Good for end boss's where you are not going to have the dps to take them out.
    Otherwise you'll be using punctures, banishers, smiters, distruptors, to take out the regular mobs. Your vopals will be hand axes, kamas, or sycles
    While your blur and high ac are going to allow you to take the trash mobs out without being pummeled. Besides, you get hit, cast Heal on yourself and you're ready to keep going.
    You will be using Divine power all the time. Extended it will last 1.54 seconds I believe. So you'll be clicking a lot. But you'll be fighting with a bab the same as a 20 fighter.

    Solo it's the best build I've come up with. You are able to fight like a fighter for regular mobs in the majority of missions, you can act as a secondary healer for raids, as well as caster, as well as some dps with the right shroud weps.

    Not gonna get missions which require a rogue, but other than that this should be a fun one to play.

    I enjoy playing mine.

    Good luck
    My post isn't really directed as a reply to what I'm quoting, but I want to use it as an example.

    Any time you start trying to be able to do too much with one build, you make major sacrifices when you want to do more difficult content. This build is a great example of what I mean and I'm not trying to attack this build, but it has some MAJOR limitations that I'd like to point out. There is no reason for a group to bring a build like this along with them on a high level quest because everything it can do, another build can do MUCH better. 4 feats are put into melee yet this build will need a crit to score a hit in high level content. This build won't have enough spell points, or have long enough lasting spells to compete with a class directed at performing a single role rather than every role. Any build that is 100% dependant on things like puncturing, vorpal, disrption, and smiting is (in my opinion) not going to get the job done when it counts.

    That's just my opinion, and I think if you want to solo you'd be better off with something like a ranger with a splash of monk and/or rogue.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scalion View Post
    My post isn't really directed as a reply to what I'm quoting, but I want to use it as an example.

    Any time you start trying to be able to do too much with one build, you make major sacrifices when you want to do more difficult content. This build is a great example of what I mean and I'm not trying to attack this build, but it has some MAJOR limitations that I'd like to point out. There is no reason for a group to bring a build like this along with them on a high level quest ~Snip~.
    Uh.. Its a Solo Build......

    As in, Not joining Groups.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  9. #9
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Uh.. Its a Solo Build......

    As in, Not joining Groups.
    Right, and it looks superb for doing that, but I want the OP needs to know its limitations. The OP commented that he wanted a character that could still solo if there were no lfms up, not that he never wanted to group at all.

  10. #10
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Take a look at Gol's cleric/monk build. I bet it could solo really well. I've got a similar halfling build that does extremely well, but a dwarf is probably better for solo.

  11. #11
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Personally i feeL:
    if your asking for a solo build it's because you hardly have time to group, am i right?

    If that's the case, play a pure cleric..

    they solo extremely well, and are needed for groups, people will really put up with what you have going in real life when they are desperate for a cleric.

    I speak from experience, with a newborn. I commanly tell people on my cleric "I could have to go at a moments notice if baby wakes up.. and get more "no issue' then "well find someone else."

    and i'm posting a picture for your enjoyment.
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  12. #12
    Knight of Movember
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    Well, my cleric is ok to solo.

    My newly built warforged wiz is fun to solo. I find the wiz arsenal to be a little more suited to solo play than the cleric, especially for crowd control and aggro deference (charm, ooze puppet etc). And you are self-healing to boot.

    With find traps and knock you can work around almost any trap.
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  13. #13
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadz View Post

    and i'm posting a picture for your enjoyment.
    Nice! Congrats.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Default WF wizard/rogue

    Although not capped, I can say my 13 WF wizard/rogue has been a blast to play. Very easy ability to solo. He has spell defense, buffs, DD spells, debuffs, self healing, trap monkey OL, DD, evasion, melee ability....everything you want in 1 Tin package.

    He solos well and works well in parties. Have not failed a trap yet, kind low on the spot so far, but will raise that as I go as well.

    So far, 232 HP, 32 INT dual weilds a set of wounding rapiers of slowburst when he melees. Again, not uber, but very easy build to bump around with. Brings buffage and rogue skills to any party.

    There are several other good builds out there, this is just the one I am familiar with.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
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  15. #15
    Community Member cypan41's Avatar
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    So I got that build up to 16. And it's a blast. I will agree it's not as useful as a full class in some situations. Though you do have enough mana, in fact I main healed the Hound the other day with no problem.
    She sits at a 58 ac atm, still haven't found the icy's yet. But most stuff misses, and can heal when she does occasionally get hit. All and all it's a fun solo build, and so far doesn't have any problem with high end quests. We'll see once she hits 20.
    btw, I ended up dropping the rapier feat and using the lvl 1 wizard wep mastery spell. It lasts for 6 minutes at lvl 16, and unless I'm fighting dispelling mobs, it's not an issue. Though I do have other weps, for those instances, kama's and the like. In case someone is wantin to try this.

    Anyhow. Have fun playing whatever you're playing. Sure some may not fit what everyone else wants you to be, but as long as you're enjoying yourself. Scr*w it!

    *oh and Scalion, Why would you think this toon would have to crit to hit high lvl mobs? It's gonna have the same bab as any full fighter, as well as a +9 from finese, 4 from gh, and 1 from haste... Don't see what you're talkin about. Even at this lvl I hardly ever miss actually, and always confirm crits. (do have a bloodstone)
    Last edited by cypan41; 03-22-2009 at 12:26 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Kiranselie's Avatar
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    I mostly solo on my pure rogue, build is in my signature. My pure ranger also does a fine job soloing too. Just my opinion
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  17. #17
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    I've been playing since beta and so far my best solo build is my STR based dual kopesh human warchanter 1 ftr/15 bard. I solo most of the Orchard and Vale with him when i want to do quick loot runs. Also I have a dex based halfing 1 monk/ 13 ranger that can solo pretty well. I solod SC with him at lvl 5 without any problems. Also both of these builds have plenty to offer a full party.

    Just my 2 cents...

  18. #18
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
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    Best soloing build is a CLERIC 'cause you'll never have to solo.....

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by baylensman View Post
    Best soloing build is a CLERIC 'cause you'll never have to solo.....
    Soloing is a "want to," not a "have to."

  20. #20
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    And it also matters if you're wanting to solo the whole way up... or just have a great build that's wonderful at soloing high level content.

    My 14/2 cleric/monk is damned near impervious at high levels. Saves are about 34/34/41, spell resistance, evasion, 60ish ac, 350+ HP, stoneskin and displacement clickies.

    But he had his own challenges in a few quests leveling up starting with a 6 str.

    Building for end game and building to be viable all the way up are two different things.

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