Those suggestions aren't specifically good, but the idea behind them has merit.
You see, the real killer to the attractiveness of random chests in DDO was the inadvertent loot power plateau:
Compared to D&D, DDO characters gain items at about half the level a D&D character would. In D&D you'd get a +5 rapier at level 16-19, while in DDO you get it at level 8-10. By itself that increased availability isn't a large problem (although there are assorted negative side effects). But the bigger problem is the inconsistency in that the devs failed to continue increasing item supply as the level cap went up past 10.
You see, level 8-10 DDO characters gain loot seen at level 16-20 in D&D.
But level 12-16 DDO characters gain loot seen at level 16-20 in D&D.
What happened is the developers halved the level at which you can obtain loot, but not for items of above D&D level 20 ("epic" items). Just look at the enhancement bonuses of weapons compared to the level required to equip them:
Level 1 = +1
Level 2 = +2
Level 4 = +3
Level 6 = +4
Level 8 = +5
Level 10 = +5
Level 14 = +5
Level 16 = +5
Instead of the random loot continuing to improve when you advance, it hits a wall and the pattern stops. Sure, there are some ways that random items at like level 16 are better than level 12, but that's less of an improvement than you see going from level 6 to 10. Really, if level 8 guys got +5s, then level 16 guys should at least have +6s and +7s by now.
The problem was unintentionally illustrated in this post, where someone complained that his level 10 characters couldn't enter Reaver's Refuge. He felt that melee characters would do fine there, so long as they had ML 10 gear, and he saw level 16 gear as only a little better. Of course, the fact that level 10 characters even want to go there indicates a failure in game design...