You certainly makes no sense... What you're saying here is if people want reliable AC in DDO then they must splash monk on a ranger and other classes are having fun getting hit because that's what non-splashed monk ranger classes are suppose to do... is get hit If they wanted to build a character who does not get hit... well then everyone should build a monk splashed character? hmmm...
We'll then that seems like a pretty reasonable viewpoint on build options in DnD... nothing else should be a viable AC build, nor should they come close... because DnD AC should solely be about a monk splashed ranger. I follow. In fact I recomend they remove all armour and shields from the game as those things really serve no purpose ... what flavor? You should not wish to play a knight in shinning armour nor a man at arms and expect any reasonable AC value... fact is if you want any warroir type class we should only have one build the ranger 18/monk 1/rogue 1... Why bother have any levels available over two for monk, fighter or paladin ... Rogue? I mean it may be fun to hide and assasinate a mob or so but really, come on, it's inefficient and redundant, a single splash on the ranger allows for trap removal and max the umd and you're set and a ranger can kill too. <- sarcasim ...
One thing you miss here in DDO... we're not dealing with DnD not even close. A DnD character skills, alignment and other attributes portrays much more into a DnD game... DDO not quite so.