<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
UM, so your saying that because a melee has to take 2 seconds to close with a distant group, that somehow makes the pitiful damage and attack speed of ranged combat better? When you attack 2-3 times faster and hit for 10-20 more damage, then maybe ranged is a better option then "once every 2 minutes".
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
FE damage III/IV and appropriate ranger level FE damage bonus.
Does anyone laugh a WoP longbow out of the Reaver?
Don't think so....
Have your been a Cleric in a Shroud where there are very few ranged attackers?
It's not as nice.....
While it isn't a source of DPS ranged combat still has its time and its place. I switch back and forth between ranged and melee on my Ranger depending on the situation. Ranged is sometimes a more viable and easier method even if the DPS is lackluster.
Anyone who says there is no place for ranged combat obviously doesn't know enough about the game.
Some very special and rare monsters who have both a high degree of melee-immunity AND special saving throws providing nigh-immunity to many kinds of spells.
Totally untrue. On normal mode, if you see someone using a bow or repeater, you know your boss DPS is going to be low.
There are a handful of special situations that make it difficult to aproach to melee range. They are insufficient to call ranged combat adequately effective. It'd be better if it could have a good role in any random quest.
I always think its best to use up multi-shot before going into melee on part4. You can usually cycle though and start each round with a multi-shot depending on the group. I guess that goes back to knowing when to range and when to melee.
Again, this thread is more about ranged combat falling behind even more when Mod 9 is released.
Can someone explain to me what 'a raid group gianthold' is? Really, they quit DDO because of what someone said in what raid? The only one in gianthold I know of has air elementals all over and those are really annoying to hit with melee.
Oh and OP has a point. Ranged in general needs a boost. Not one specific classes ranged combat, but all ranged combat.
Last edited by Cyr; 01-28-2009 at 07:24 PM.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Granted, I'm talking on on critical hit, and including the good damage. Purely physical damage was high 180s, iirc
Figure a 32 strength, favored enemy bonus + enhancements, elf enhancements, and weapon specialization, and it all adds up. Plus there's a bump form Deepwood Sniper.
While I will agree that firing speed is not optimal:
1) It's amazing how much easier it is for casters to PK/FoD elementals in the reaver when someone's firing a Wounding/WoP bow/Repeater
2) It's amazing how much easier it is to keep moving in coal chamber when a ranger gets aggro with a bow to pull them away, has haste/drinks a haste pot, and speed boosts through
3) It's amazing how easy it is to manyshot the eladrin to death in Devils, or even kite the mobs in monastery if they're getting to be too cluttered (lots of low con/hp drow). Quite simple to get giant aggro in prey and not get hit much too.
4) narrow corridors of Kobold allow for quite the damage to be dished out (maybe even a call lightning replication) by firing straight ahead
5) Stormcleave even goes a lot easier when mobs are hit for a bunch with a bow shot and then dragged to a caster's FW or Web
6) Gwylan's on elite is so much easier with stuff being kited while tanks (if they even have a head on their shoulder) take out the priests first
7) Feast/PoP/Trial/Cabal all have narrow corridors where one can easily mow lots of mobs down.
8) Relic/Made to Order all go very well when a good archer is there to help, especially made to order where the ranger would buy some time to get the trap so the tanks can fight the duergar without stepping on the mines (as the idiots so often do..)
9) Sleeping dust allows for easy pickins of the magi while kiting the spiders to keep them out of the way
10) weakening beholders on the way to hound is done so much easier from range
11) Too many Protectors/Drones in Hound? Ranger can keep em occupied (or a caster with FW, but that's just how I roll in there)
12) (insert other example here where the ranger makes the cleric happy by controlling how much damage the buffoon fighters/tanks, who don't move, take while still taking them down)
Sorry realizing versatility is not your specialty Angelus, do you not kite mobs in part V?
Seeing as you asked...
Under optimal conditions, the numbers break down thusly:
Strength: 30 (w/ +6 item). +2 Ram's Might, +2 Rage, +4 Double Madstone = 38
Damage Bonus: +14 Strength, +2 Ram's Might, +2 Specialization, +7 Favored Enemy/Enhancement, +2 Elf Racial Bonus, +5 Mineral Bow, and +10 Bard Buff = +42
Damage: d10 +42 = 52 x4 (Deepwood Sniper) = 208 + 6 Good + 30 Good Blast = 244
Sooooo... optimal conditions, yes. But heck, that's what all these high ac building people quote their stats at, too![]()