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  1. #1
    Community Member Ashmer's Avatar
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    Default Mod 8, X-Fi, Vista Game Crashes

    Since Mod 8 came out I had experienced crashes with the game at random times.
    In short, the sound would stutter and the whole system would lock up and sometimes give a BSOD. It always seemed to happen when the character would spin around to the right.

    I have a possible solution:

    I have a SoundBlaster X-Fi XtremeGamer card running under Vista 64-bit SP1. In the Audio Control pannel disable X-Fi CMSS-3D and EAX Effects.

    What I assume is happening is that the sound card is getting confused creating 3D Surround sound from the stereo.

    Something must have been changed for Mod 8 because prior to this there was never a problem.

    P.S. I am currently running Windows 7 64-bit and the game would still crash with CMSS-3D enabled.
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  2. #2
    Community Member gHzSWB's Avatar
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    Creative = ****

    Just go with on board, it isn't like there is a justification anymore for hardware sound acceleration since Vista and Windows 7 do away with Direct Sound.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gHzSWB View Post
    Creative = ****

    Just go with on board, it isn't like there is a justification anymore for hardware sound acceleration since Vista and Windows 7 do away with Direct Sound.
    Not, all that true, its still better to go with a soundcard. but, for most people, it don't really matter. It depends on mostly what type of games or threater sysstem you have.

    I just bought a new PCI-E X-fi Titamium and I have had no issues at all with Vista or DDO, I did have some problems with my older X-fi Falality.
    Member of Mythical

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    Not, all that true, its still better to go with a soundcard. but, for most people, it don't really matter. It depends on mostly what type of games or threater sysstem you have.

    I just bought a new PCI-E X-fi Titamium and I have had no issues at all with Vista or DDO, I did have some problems with my older X-fi Falality.
    Interesting.. WIth Vista and my X-Fi Titanium, I crashed on a Regular basic. Went back to Onboard and It hasnt crashed since.

    Creative has Terrible Vista X-Fi Drivers. Its is common knowledge. Check the Tech forum for a link to some new drivers Recently put out by Daniel_K though. they supposedly are better.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  5. #5
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Interesting.. WIth Vista and my X-Fi Titanium, I crashed on a Regular basic. Went back to Onboard and It hasnt crashed since.

    Creative has Terrible Vista X-Fi Drivers. Its is common knowledge. Check the Tech forum for a link to some new drivers Recently put out by Daniel_K though. they supposedly are better.

    yep, I have not had a problem with the new titanium, using Doby digital to my receiver without any problem with DDO, im also playing Winamp in the background. I have read the Daniel_k thing since he first put driver on the Creative forums, almost a year ago.

    I think alot of the sound issues are not really with drivers persay, I think its more to do with IRQ's and videocards being on the same IRQ's, and thats causing conflicts, more so now with vista and DX10 compatibility wit DDO.
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  6. #6
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    would anyone know why while in game my father_in_law's computer is going into sleep mode. he is running windows 7 and will be in the middle of doing something(quest or general activities) and it just goes to sleep mode. it was hapening on vista too
    Last edited by Pantagon; 11-28-2009 at 11:29 AM.

  7. #7
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    incase anyone has issues with blue screens related to sound

    Originally Posted by Skyliner View Post
    I found a solution for this issue.
    I have a Creative X-Fi Fatality Platinum card, and also was getting BSOD while playing either DDO or LOTRO.
    After reading numerous post on the subject, i found that what causes this, is the version of OpenAL32.dll that turbine uses for their games.
    The version turbine uses is: 6.14.357.22 - file size is 108k
    While the newsest version available for download is: 6.14.357.24 - file size is 121k
    When using the newer version all my problems are gone and i have both hardware and EAX enabled.

    Now for the howto:
    1. download the latest openal from creative @
    and install it.

    2. create a batch file where ever you want(i created it in my LOTRO folder) file>new>text file.
    Name it copyAL.bat (or whatever you want, make sure you see file extentions or it will just be called copyAL.bat.txt and won't work)

    4. open the batch file in notepad or your prefered text editor and insert the follwing:
    copy %systemroot%\system32\OpenAL32.dll <replace with full path of game folder>\OpenAL32.dll /y

    5. obiously you need to put in the correct path to your game folder where the game's openal32.dll is located
    (example for mine: "Z:\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\OpenAL32.dll"
    notice i put the whole thing in " " this is because my path has spaces in it.

    6. save it and create a shortcut for it on your desktop.

    7. whenever you launch the game, the updater will replace the newer version with the turbine one.
    so before you login run your batch file to replace it with the newer one.

    That's about it hope it helps you all.

    p3 edits

    if a batch file is too much, what i have done is put the dll on my desktop with a shortcut to the folder the dll is in. when i launch the ddo client it will update/overwrite that dll. i then let it do so. then i simply copy over the dll into the folder. then switch to ddo client and enter password. i can now enjoy my sbxfi and eax audio and nice 5.1 surround sound. crisp and clear. easy fix.

    in short. run client, replace dll, login. when you reload client it will update/overwrite and you need to copy back in again.
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