You can find the list of exploits right here.
You can find the list of exploits right here.
No ... if I remember correctly the second it was mentioned on the forums that minos was allowing a char to get the enhancements without needing to have the feat they said it was a bug and unintended. We have said that many times. Rangers and monks ... yes they have enough feats that they can spare one for toughness as being a good choice specially with monks having it as a class feat ... rogues and bards not so much and would fall in with the wiz/sorc/cleric (notice how this list keeps growing and its others not just YOU?) If you choose not to wear the helm anymore then that is YOUR choice to lose those hps ... turbine has nothing to do with that as the hps still stack. You just no longer feel it is worth the slot because the bug is being taken away and that is all your arguement boils down too.
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
I'll reiterate what I said earlier. The real problem is that toughness is basically linked to enhancements that pile up a ton of hitpoints. You're getting a lot from one feat. Too much, really.
... I really hate whinny, moronic posts. The Devs, blah... blah.. oh wait ...
... Nevermind ...
Look man.
I'm the biggest proponent of respecs. It's only fair.
But you have to use a bit of common sense here. Saying that whatever's in the game, on the live server, is "part of the rules", is just unrealistic. The devs are people. It's an extraordinarily complicated thing to code a 24/7 game. There will be bugs here and there. Just b/c they make it into the game doesn't mean they were intended that way. We've known for a long time this was not going to last forever.
Mistakes are understandable; throwing people under the bus to cover them up is not.
Lol, so the earlier arguments were legitimate? What, exactly, is your point? Or are you just angling to make the cheerleading squad? I should warn you, the hazing is pretty rough; apparently they make you listen to Eladrin recite poetry while looking at scat porn for 6 hours.
I find it both amazing and hilarious that people knowingly use an exploit and then turn around and cry nerf when it gets fixed.
This isn't even new. I don't feel like searching for the post but one of Turbine's representatives, who was gracious enough to post on the forums, told everyone a long time ago that this was not intended and would eventually be fixed.
Here's an idea, take the toughness feat. Guess what happens then? You'll have 18 more HP than you do now (20 when the change goes live).
Don't kid yourselves that a stacking 20 HP tied with Heavy Fort isn't worth wearing anymore.
Actually LOTS of people have known for quite awhile that this was a BUG. Just like there was a bug with this same helm initially that if you took it off then reequiped it you got double the HP (ok I dont remember what it was exactly you had to do to get the 2x HP I just know there was something).
Let me give you another example....the Daggertooth belt --that gives you the fighter enhancements of fighter mastery II --but if you use it on a rogue while the enhancements show up in your list- you cant take FMIII cause you dont have enough fighter levels.
This is exactly like Eladrin temporary effect should allow you to take an enhancement...thats why you cant take ITWF if your base Dex isnt high enough---your stat item, the ML helm, a mobile robe, are all tempoarary effects.
And like I said earlier --I know what its like to have low HP casters - I have a bunch of them. Seriously, Kestryl only has like 90 some HP without her GFL and con items and she does just freaking fine in quests --hells bells she dies less than my fighter does.
You are seriously making a big deal about 20 HP which I and multiple other people who have played this game for more than 2 years (some of us since beta) are trying to show you are NOT CHARACTER BREAKING!
I hate to break it to you, but you are going to find that the times when 20 HP would have changed you from incapped vs dead are few and far between. When Im dead Im usually -100, -50 etc etc...Im almost never -15.![]()
"Some things have to be believed to be seen." Ralph Hodgson
Ciarra Stormbringer Cleric/Sorceror
Darianna Dawnbringer Wizard
Riasha Dawnbringer Rogue/Fighter
Rhavynheart Stormbringer Cleric
Kestryl Stormbringer Sorceror
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
Well, yea, if you were to go pure rogue or ranger, but who in their right mind would do that? Multiclassing gives you more and better options.
1. Many things grant heavy fort, with the added advantage of not occupying your head slot.
2. Heavy fort is not as important to casters; mod fort is almost as useful, and much easier to get on items with other bonuses.