looks like I saved 5 dragon shards for not using an obvious exploit in the first place
let the whining continue
looking for a good frog
I have a 15 sorc and I have managed to not exploit the Minos helm. I dont feel a bit bad for those that have and need to respec. You took advantage of an obvious bug and now they are fixing it. Suck it up its not game breaking.
To all the winers ... They said a LONG time ago that the Minos Legen was NOT ment to grant you access to the toughness enhancement line so you should have known long before now that it would get changed eventually.
Sorry your going to get no sympathy from me.
So the helm that has been out since summer 2007 (mod 5) is gonna be fixed 4 mods after in 2009 ?
The abbott too wow the pilot is back in the plane?
Youg guys tought about fixing the ladders that are broken since mod 3 then ?
Good job on the heads up bad job on the 1.5 years without changing it .1.5 years to change something as trivial as the minos legend i guess it was too much coding .
Exploit my a$$; they made it work that way, I built a character to use it, they change the rules. If a PnP DM did that, we would toss him out on his ear.
And if it is an "obvious bug," then why are they only getting around to fixing it 2 years later? Why hasn't anyone been banned for exploiting it? Why are they "fixing" it in such a heavy-handed way?
No, a reasonable fix would have been to make the toughness enhancement stop working when you took the helm off; supposition, but I would suggest that, since they are not doing that, they have another reason for the change.
If I had to guess, I would say that this is another attempt to "balance" casters against melee, since they screwed up the balance in the first place.
I'm supposed to thank them for that?
I have a L16 sorc with 2500ish favor (and she's drow, so HP impared from the start). I stand by what I said, if changing the helm breaks your build then your build was already gimped by your design.
If 20-40 HP are 25% of your total, you built it extremely poorly.
Last edited by Lorien the First One; 01-23-2009 at 02:03 PM.
Naw man, you see that is supposedto be the weakness of a Sorc... They trade allt hat mana, and fast casting times, for low HP. ..... It was broken in the ifrst place.....
I think this is giving a bit back to the fighters and barbs..... The other classes had to many feats, and too many HP's. It's nto THAT big of a deal really..... At worst a build looses 20 or so HP, or that extra feat they're gettign at level 18......
LMAO ... Actually they said from the second we found out that the Minos Legen allowed people without the actual toughness feat access to the toughness enhancements that it would eventually get fixed so if you built a char around it then you only have yourself to blame.
Hmmm Mabye it took 1.5 years to get fixed because it was low on the priority list of things to fix? If I remember correctly each of the last two mods had ladder fixes in them along with other bug fixes. Then where the ladder bugs are concerned they asked a couple different times to report any ladders that are still broke so they can put in a fix for it. They don't have infinite resources or time to create fixes for everything in the game so some will take longer than others.
We knew back in November for certain it would happen. The Devs had also stated prior to then that it was an unintentional bug based on the way the Legens behaved.
Congrats, you abused an item that was not working as intended. It's now being fixed. Think of the 3 AP you have back.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Yea, I'm a drow, as well, 12 starting con; the extra hp from minos legens was one of the key pieces of equipment that makes the build work.
Sorry, I haven't run shroud 800 times this month to get my greensteel codpiece.
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
I so cannot be bothered by folks who exploited this while knowing for MONTHS that this bug was going to be fixed...we just didn't know when and now they start whining? Is it time to dial Whine-1-1 and get the Waaaambulance?