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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2008

    Default +1 banishing Rapier of Puncturing

    I haven't been around the trade section in a few months really, so not sure what the current market is like. However I just nabbed a +1 banishing rapier of puncturing and was wondering what their value was like these days.

  2. #2
    Community Member Baltire's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Some people like them, I think *most* of the time the banishing is going to proc long before the puncturing kills them, so to me it would be worth less than to those of the other way of thinking....

    I do still like my banishing rapier so I do have a little interest in it.

    I would offer 400k plat.....

    I doubt you'll let it go for that amount, but if I'm wrong, shoot me a PM.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Lanuric's Avatar
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    I pulled one of these little beauties a while ago, and questioned its worth on Forums. Seems it wasnt as rare as I thought.

    In my playing with this weapon, I found on Normal difficulty, its just like any banishing rapier. On Hard or Elite, or high end quests, its duel purpose comes into play. Lots of beasties save from the banishing effect, but they are Con damaged. Although, they might have higher Con.

    As to its worth, it depends on who you trade it to. I would pay a decent amount as I already have 1. I dont have enough to offer you what I would probably pay.

    As Baltire said, he would offer 400kpp (I can match that) because that is what he believes it is worth. And you may get higher offers from others, its all relative.

    Whatever the outcome, hope you get what your looking for in trade IF you trade it.
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  4. #4
    Community Member nessguy's Avatar
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    Default offer

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