I am leveling up a new cleric, Jacklalalala, who is currently 13th level. I do not enjoy the Sorjek grind of runes at end game so I thought why not get some xp and do a little Sorjek grind in those quests on the way to 16. What I found is you can not enter the reaver refuge if you are lower then 13th level. This is very annoying because I tried to get in as an 11th level character and couldn't. Now at level 13 I can get in, but filling a group of all level 13s is difficult and level 16s results in 30% less xp and less of a challenge - I would just assume grabbing people with 13th or less level characters. I actually had a group filled yesterday, but the level 12s couldn't get in. The Vale quests are level 12 not level 13 and with teleport it is easy to circumvent the level restriction and get lower level characters in so why is the Reaver Refuge so draconian.
I don't disagree that there should be some low level restriction - so people can't bring their level 1s into end game quests for loot purposes, but I think 10 levels less then the quest's rating is a better number then 4 levels less. This game is about having fun so why arbitrarily restrict someone from doing a quest. It makes no sense to me.