Not nearly as impressive as some of your collections but I've filled my bank and need some room.
Want list:
Small ingredients
Large ingredients
Transmuting Shortswords
Trade List
Stat damagers:
+4 Acid Rapier of Puncturing
+4 Flaming Shortsword of Puncturing
+4 Frost Shortsword of Puncturing
+2 Weakening Bastard Sword of Enfeebling
+1 Keen Battleaxe of Enfeebling
+2 Wounding Dwarven Axe of Parrying
NEW! +1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of Deception
+2 Banishing Dagger
+1 Seeker Light Mace of Smiting
+1 Crippling Kukri of Disruption
+1 Crippling Shortsword of Disruption
+2 Banishing Cold Iron Shortsword of Righteousness
+1 Banishing Morningstar
+2 Banishing Shortsword of Righteousness
NEW! +2 Light Mace of Smiting
+1 Paralyzing Composite Shortbow (RR Human, UMD 18)
+3 Paralyzing Shortsword
+4 Holy Shortsword of Pure Good
+1 Holy Burst Battleaxe of Pure Good
+3 Seeker Dwarven Axe of Pure Good
+5 Seeker (4) Rapier of Pure Good
+3 Holy Shortbow of Pure Good
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt of Shadow
+4 Acid Guard Mithril Full Plate of Lesser Acid Resistance
+5 Heavy Mithril Shield
5 gold coins!
Spectral Gloves
+2 Transmuting Shortsword of Vertigo
NEW! +1 Flaming Warhammer of Greater Construct Bane
NEW! Chaosguarde Bracers
NEW! +1 Int Tome
NEW! Disease Immunity Belt of Greater False Life
EDITED: Added Chaoseguarde, Tome, belt, and smiter