like it says...all i am looking for atm are spec gloves and a bloodstone(means the both of them as a unit)if interested,send me a holla....thanx
like it says...all i am looking for atm are spec gloves and a bloodstone(means the both of them as a unit)if interested,send me a holla....thanx
hmmmmm,3?....surely you jest......what i am asking for imo is a fair deal.For 2 items that are static drops that can be farmed with a lil work(which i would do but have too much on my plate to get done)for a random drop item that can not be so easily farmed...this....and this alone,is what makes the worth of an item imo..if you are not interested...please move along...i did not ask for any opinions/comments or base knowledge as a stockbroker in the argo market...this is an item that i have that i do not currently need and am looking to trade with someone that has what i need in the same situation as folks,in ending,if you do not think it is a fair deal,then keep it moving and keep your opinions to yourselves,your friends,your guildies or in your thoughts.. and lets not try to assassinate people's characters............tyvm all...krak............and remember,the first law of business=SUPPLY AND DEMAND have fun and good gaming folks
Bloodstone >>>> Any +2 tome
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
Unfortunately what you believe makes the price of an item doesn't coincide with the market value.
These people are right. +2 str tome = 200-300K.
Bloodstone = 300-500K
I find it funny that you consider a bloodstone "easily farmed".
Nor are spectral gloves easily farmed considering every chest in that quest is behind a locked door that can't be opened without a rogue/knock spell.
As for the "please keep your comments to yourself" well, we've recently had this discussion on these very boards and it is fairly obvious that the moral conclusion of the argo community is that we won't allow someone else to get blantantly ripped off. We help protect the ignorant.
Also, please fix your sig by putting your alts list above or below the sig picture.
Gol said;
The OP said;
A tad harsh there OP?
Gol's giving you advice, not assassinating your character....
As were others in this thread until you spat yer dummy out...
These people are Argonnessens marketplace. These people are exactly who you need to listen to.
Thank you...
Thread number 6456 successfully trolled by Bee.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
sorry krak but you would be lucky to get either of those items for a +2 tome let alone both.
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
FWIW... I have been trying to loot a bloodstone and a set of spectral gloves for months on end. I roll the run daily at least 3-5 times... sometimes more. No dice. Not easily farmed for one who is willing to work. If they were, you would not be trying to trade the tome for 'em, you would go easily roll 'em and loot yourself one and save the tome for something special.
Now, if you are like one fellow in my guild, he has pulled, NOT KIDDING, 23 +2 tomes in less than 60 days. The count might even be higher. He pulls them frequently. We love to hate him! So, it all falls down to luck.
You are right, someone might be willing to pay that price for the tome, but you won't see it from those who are most likely to have what you are looking for, especially when you come back at 'em the way you did.
Dex was here.
Not trolling... just keeping it real brother!
Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath
well,lets see,i didnt say do 5 runs and get a bloodstone,im sayin ransack 9 toons or so thru and you WILL get one,maybe your looting process varies from mine.i dont run in there 2 times,i go in till im sick of it..its work.i just dont have the time to do it atm or i would.secondly,i dont have a clue why you would go in to oob without a caster,and yes...casters are able to carry knock.and as far as accusing me of trying to rip people off,..i have plenty of in game money..i do not need to bang some1 over the head to get it.and last but not least...about my alts...if you look a little harder you will see them listed above my sig,if you don't your comp is bugged..thanks very much for your input
well,thanks very much for the input all,ive decided to horde it in the bank and put things aside to loot them.......THREAD CLOSED
i am sorry it took me a few to post this,have been busy...i hate to blow a hole in your theory but......and if you look i asked the date in guild chat....and believe me....this is not a guild conspiresy i conspired...i dont need to do that,what im sayin is...WORK...i put stuff aside and it took me 3 ransacked toons and bout 11 or so hours gameplay..but thats my point.....(btw 3 sacked i got lucky) you know.....spec gloves next...ill send you a postcard when im done...tyvm all for the inspiration
Last edited by krak; 01-25-2009 at 01:14 AM.
If they are so easy to farm, feel free to spend your days and nights farming them and make all the gold in the world.
If you only opened 70ish chests to get it then I'd say you got lucky.
I have 3+2 STR Tomes - Give me 3 Bloodstones and 3 Spectral GlovesLook me up in game
Find me on Bergeyon, Aerilyn, Syddney.........
1 Bloodstone worth 3 - +2 Tomes IMHO
Ya no doubt. I have any plus 2 tome you want.
Send me a PM. As a matter of fact despite your adamant defense of your original offer I'll even drop mine down and say all I want is your bloodstone for my plus 2 tome, you can keep the spectral gloves you're about to pull. I know the tome is worth both but hey, I really need a bloodstone.
Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath
I guess I will put in my 2cp. Gratz on pulling the bloodstone however it proves nothing. I know several guildies who have ransacked all their alts and have not pulled a bloodstone. It's better to not throw out "facts" when dealing with random tables. The only "fact" is there are no guarantees to pull any random item.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
I've ransacked that chest every 1-2 weeks since it came into existence. I have never pulled a single named item out of any chest in the desert, save for Dusk Heart..
On the other hand, nearly every time I run Xorian Cipher I pull either a Planar Gird or Chaosgarde.
It's luck..
Sign me up for the bloodstone as well, I'm not greedy though, I'll just exchange my +2 str or Int tome for it, you can hold onto your gloves. TYVM
You know what, given I'm such a generous person I'll throw in both +2 tomes for the Bloodstone.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable