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  1. #1
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Default Cleric Rogue XP?

    Hi all

    Am (like many I guess) thinking my Cleric's cool- but he'd be better with evasion.
    Now I know that Cleric?Monk has far more synergy, but the chances of me grabbing Pot Kamas are just about nil.

    So I got to thinking about 2 levels of Rogue- only thing is I really don't want to take any split levels until after 11.
    I know the base idea is to take a rogue level at lvl 1 for the extra points, but are the (many) extra points likely worth the irritation of having to wait another level for my 6th level spells?

    Just curious if anyone has any experince with a Cleric/Rogue build


  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    For a cleric, I personally think greater potency 7 is MUCH better than superior 6. THis gives you the use of mass cure serious.

    Conveniently, greater potency 7 comes on the sovereing tier of the dragontouched armour

    Worst case, you dont NEED to be centered for evasion. You don't even need to be centered for the wisdom bonus (at least, you dont right now...). All you lose is the monk stance, which is hardly a huge deal for a healer, though a melee cleric might like the extra str, or monk attacks.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Ya I made a cleric-rogue before. Very cool build IMO; I enjoyed a lot. Definitely went rogue at first level with enough intel to be a full rogue as well. Something like 8 8 16 18 16 6 (dorf). Insightful reflexes a must. Very fun.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    All you lose is the monk stance, which is hardly a huge deal for a healer, though a melee cleric might like the extra str, or monk attacks.
    Monky clerics typically like the water stance for +1 offensive casting DC.

    Melee clerics would normally lose more from using 20/x2 monk weapons than they'd gain from the stance.

  5. #5
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Thanks guys- thing is I'm fairly certain (having done absolutely no research) that Greater Pot VII Kamas are almost as rare as Sup Pot VI.
    Ans (as you mnetioned) I seem to be getting the impression that the Monk splash will have some changes made to it in Mod 9. Soo I think I'd like to play it safe and go Rogue.
    But- I'm not actually sure what I'd use the Rogue abilites for. I mean it'd be cool to be able to open any lock in the game (with buffs)..but I don't think it'd be essential. Sneaking around would be kinda cool, but again..
    UMD (I think) would be great-but then again there's not really anything my current cleric wishes he could UMD.
    (Although I'm certainly not uber, so may be missing out)

    Really I just wanna be able to dance through traps/bb's/dbf's and other painful things while rezzing people who can't...

    Anyway forgot (somehow) about the character planners, so I'll have to play with those for a bit.

  6. #6
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    I don't know much about the high level game, but I'm thinking you would need pretty good reflex saves for evasion to make any difference. I don't think Clerics are really known for that.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    18 starting intel (plus human is my rec.) is enough skill points to max out locks, search, disable, and concentration (or jump if u r a quicken junkie). its minimal sacrifice for a lot of gain, esp while lvling. or any other combo of rogue skills; but no reason not to take advantage
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  8. #8
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    I don't know much about the high level game, but I'm thinking you would need pretty good reflex saves for evasion to make any difference. I don't think Clerics are really known for that.
    If you go high int for rogue skills and insightful reflexes, I think mine was sitting at around 25 unbuffed, although it was on a friends account and i dont recall for sure.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    For a cleric, I personally think greater potency 7 is MUCH better than superior 6. THis gives you the use of mass cure serious.

    Conveniently, greater potency 7 comes on the sovereing tier of the dragontouched armour

    Worst case, you dont NEED to be centered for evasion. You don't even need to be centered for the wisdom bonus (at least, you dont right now...). All you lose is the monk stance, which is hardly a huge deal for a healer, though a melee cleric might like the extra str, or monk attacks.
    i run 2 clerics, i have never used other healing spells apart from mclw, mcmw and heal
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  10. #10
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    I've got a 14/2 cleric/monk capped and finally got my last piece of raid loot last night (20th VoD for the goggles).

    I'm currently leveling a 14/2 clogue (may end up 13/3rog or even 13/2rog/1monk) with max ranks UMD/disable/search/open lock. He is currently 9/1 (started with rogue). He is a bit of a disappointment currently in every aspect except for the rogue skills (I haven't come across a trap I couldn't search/disable yet even when doing missions my level 4+ on elite).

    If you want to just have a kickass evasion cleric and don't care about the rogue skills or umd, definately go monk. The 2 extra feats are just too much to pass up (even if you just take toughness twice for the extra 36hp). Make sure you have a pretty high dex. your reflex save needs to be around a 25 at endgame with about 300hp to be able to handle almost any trap in game without worry of dying. I'm gonna have a hard time hitting that mark with my clogue whereas my clonk hits it easily.

  11. #11


    I have a 9 cleric/2 rogue. He is FUN! If you do this...DO IT AT CREATION!!! you lose alot of skill points if you don't take Rogue first. Make sure you have a decent DEX, and if you want to be roguely, that is very possible.

    As for taking another level of ROgue...I dunno. Not feeling the PrE's for clerics.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Monk gets extra feats?.... hmm that might be better, assuming they don't change something so I can get assassinate as a lvl 2 Rogue..

    Decisions,decisions.. fortunately by the time I've actually made a choice Mod 10 will probably have been released so it won't be an issue.

  13. #13
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    Yes, monks get an extra class feat at 1,2, and 3. they are restricted to mainly melee feats but toughness is included in the list.

    I would recommend you take a few minutes to read up on the two classes (particularly what you get at levels 1 and 2 of each)

    If you dont care about rogue skills, take monk. If you want rogue skills take rogue.

    If you decide rogue, take one rogue level at 1 and the other somewhere beyond. where you can no longer max out your rogue skills with each levelup.

    If you decide monk, it makes no difference when you take monk as long as it is after level 1 but I would recommend levels 2 and 3 (to get your evasion as early as possible).

  14. #14
    Community Member Thoden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinar View Post
    If you decide monk, it makes no difference when you take monk as long as it is after level 1 but I would recommend levels 2 and 3 (to get your evasion as early as possible).
    Just curious, why not get the extra skill points for say, balance or jump by going monk at first level? Is it to take a metamagic feat early?
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  15. #15
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    Yes. Meta feats at low level are pretty worthless, but later on, you want to be able to swap out for them. Taking monk first level doesn't allow you to swap out your level 1 feat for a meta.

    I can't say that the 4 extra points in balance or jump have ever helped my clerics any. In my experience, there just isn't enough stat points available to be able to keep any cross-class skill max ranks with a 14/2 monk build.

  16. #16
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khurse View Post
    Hi all

    Am (like many I guess) thinking my Cleric's cool- but he'd be better with evasion.
    Now I know that Cleric?Monk has far more synergy, but the chances of me grabbing Pot Kamas are just about nil.

    So I got to thinking about 2 levels of Rogue- only thing is I really don't want to take any split levels until after 11.
    I know the base idea is to take a rogue level at lvl 1 for the extra points, but are the (many) extra points likely worth the irritation of having to wait another level for my 6th level spells?

    Just curious if anyone has any experince with a Cleric/Rogue build

    If you tank your intel your rogue skills will suffer. if you focus on intel and not so much on wisdom there's an off chance your sp total will be a little wimpy. UMD is kinda nice if you can spare the points

    +5 thieves tools, find traps spell... works pretty well to compensate.

    note: you will switch a lot of equipment around. learn to love your quick slots. I do goggles for search/spot, gloves for umd/open lock/disable device

    My rogue/cleric hasn't blown a trap yet, I don't even bother to throw on greater heroism or use human versatility. he sucks for combat tho'

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