Bloodstone for sale
I was going to use this on one of my toons, but running 2 clerics is getting expensive, so I'm looking for plat offers.
Bloodstone for sale
I was going to use this on one of my toons, but running 2 clerics is getting expensive, so I'm looking for plat offers.
«Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)