Hey all. First let me apologize to those who I will not be mentioning. I am not as good with names as I like to be, and I wouold hate to butcher it here. So, with that said.... thank you so much to Eridani Light Horse, Black Mantis (my guild) and the others who were involved in my 20th Shroud last night.
I will name a few. Ram was the party leader, maybe by accident, but good job anyway. Cernunnos was the cleric that kept the 5 of us up through what seemed like 8 rounds of whittling down Harry (maybe more). I have been through many raids, obviously a few Shroud, and this was a pretty spectacular performance. I applaud all of you, for a job well done, but also for not saying, "hey, we are down to 5 after 1 round, let's bail and do this another time when it might be easy." So there it is. THANKS.
I also want to tell the other cool stuff for me about this one... I killed Harry in part 4, many Shrouds, first time I have ever had the killing blow. I pulled a Cursespewing of Shattermantle weapon, been looking for one because I think its cool. Oh, and it was my 20th, so even though no +3 Tome, I got the Cleansing Stone and will likely find another slot to fill. Thanks again to everyone involved.