Healer Cleric only....
10,8,14,10,18,14 (healer only)
Do you think that I should take any pionts off of str and put elsewhere???
Also should I taek my INT down and add to a different stat, maybe cha for DVs?
Healer Cleric only....
10,8,14,10,18,14 (healer only)
Do you think that I should take any pionts off of str and put elsewhere???
Also should I taek my INT down and add to a different stat, maybe cha for DVs?
Last edited by JayRod23; 01-20-2009 at 08:02 PM. Reason: added another question
Consider changing these stats to..
STR: 8
DEX: 8
CON: 16
INT: 8
WIS: 18
CHR: 14
2 points of STR doesn't really bother us. And, as a human, even with 8 int, we're getting two skills. Now, if you really need that second skill, subtract two from CHR, put two in INT and DEX/STR; I'd suggest STR, but I just have a balance fetish
With two skill points, I suggest maxing Balance and Jump. If you go 10 INT, take Concentration as well.
Your current build would work fine, though.
Now, on the topic of feats, what did you decide? Or do you still need help with those?
I haev not decided on feats yet.... I am now (after a week of reading) just getting a hold of cuilding the stats... what are your thoughts?
Let me send you a PM of something I'm working on. It might help you.