Just voicing some real concerns I have about the level cap being raised to 20. I hope I’m wrong, but it seems like by raising the level cap to 20, DDO could be shooting itself in the foot.
1. This would be the first time DDO has ever raised the level cap four levels. This means new spells which will have to be tried and true when the cap is raised. Several very powerful 9th level spells will become available to all casters. My concern is what does a caster with Prismatic Spray mean to the rest of the game content. I think by doing this the caster will outclass most if not all of current game content such as raids and basically all quests. A higher level caster should do this, but why rush? Isn’t level 18 enough. This way you will give yourselves time to see how certain spells are effecting your game instead of giving us 3 or 4 super powerful high level spells.
2. Current content will become more or less irrelevant. People will not run certain raids anymore with 20th level characters and will demand a LOT of new ones which will need to be tried, tested and true. All the bugs worked out, etc. That’s a huge issue. Already people don’t or are reluctant to run Plane of Night, Zawabi’s Revenge, The Titan Awakes, and Ascension Chamber ( though this one for other reasons). More of your content will hold value for people to run anymore at level 20. You will need to come up with some reasons for us to want to do so. Even your newer raids will not draw nearly as much attention from 20th level parties, so your newer raids will become old much more quickly.
3. Mid level groups are tough to get parties for as it is. This will become more so with a server filled with level 20 characters.
Between all of the issues with high level content, issues that will pop up with characters using higher level abilities and spells, and making your current game content obsolete it just sounds like a recipe for disaster. How can you deliver so much in an effective manner by next mod? You are also carting along a lot of older issues with the game such as hirelings, lag, crashing and other game applications which are not working. I guess I’m concerned you guys are about to bite off more then you can chew. Judging by your responsiveness to current issues with the game.
Personally, I think people would still play the game if the cap were only raised to 18. It feels like you are trying to prove something by doing this.
Good luck.