My computer finally failed on me. I just purchased a brand new computer with Vista OS. I have found the thread. That gives these instructions.
1) Open Computer (or My Computer) in the Start Menu and browse to the program directory for DDO (the default path is C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online)
2) Right-click on the file “dndlauncher.exe” - depending on your system settings, you may not see the .exe at the end. If this is the case, just select the one that is labeled as an Application
3) Click Properties, and then select the Compatibility tab
4) Under Privilege Level, unselect “Run this program as an administrator” and then click OK
5) Repeat this process for the files “TurbineLauncher.exe” and “TurbineInvoker.exe”
When I change the compatibility to run as administrator. I get the message unable to run program in administrator settings please try to run the program as a non administrator.
When I take off those changes the launcher starts up but doesnt move past the initial image as launcher is loading. When I move my cursor over the launcher I can see the next part of the launcher is working or at least appears to be but is not viewable on the desktop screen. Since I am very new to vista, just bought this computer today, I would apreciate it if someone could give me a detailed walkthrough on how to solve my delima.