So, allow me to define battle cleric, since that will obviously be a point of contention.
1) Has good-to-high DPS
2) Has good-to-high DCs
3) Quickened/Empowered Mass Cures/Heal
4) Survivability
There are a couple other personal objectives I had here as well.
5) Evasion
6) Tier 3 PrEs (18 cleric levels)
7) 60+ standing AC
A tall order for sure, but I think I got it covered.
Lawful Neutral Dwarf Cleric 18 / Monk 2
Str 16 + 2 tome + 6 item + 2 rage spell = 26
Dex 15 + 3 tome + 6 item = 24
Con 14 + 2 tome + 2 enh + 6 item = 24
Int 8
Wis 16 + 3 tome + 3 enh + 3 shroud + 6 item + 5 levels = 36 (34 until mod 9)
Cha 6
1) Extend
3) Khopesh
6) TWF
9) Imp TWF
M1) Toughness
12) Quicken
M2) Power Attack
15) Empower Healing
18) Greater TWF
I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that Imp Crit is overrated (at least, that is, until the Stat damage nerf is refuted). Plus, Keen comes free on Mineral 2 gear for when DPS matters. Vorpal is just as good most of the time (exceptions are obvious), and so does Destruction.
An equally viable option if you prefer Elves:
Drop Khopesh, move Quicken to level 3, pick up Imp Crit at 12, use Rapiers. Totally viable and I'm not gonna knock it. It will even have better AC and reflex saves.
=== End of Build, just commentary below ===
So when working on this build, I really had 2 options at the end. Elf with Rapier and taking Imp Crit, or a Dwarf with Khopesh (due to lack of proficiencies) and no Imp Crit. The Elf is at a +1 AC advantage due to Dex, but the Dwarf has 40 HP advantage with higher Con and tier 3/4 Racial Toughness. No big deal for me, there.
It boiled down to 2 things for me:
1) Dwarven Spell Resistance. Native +2, +3 more via enhancements. That +5 saves vs spells, which is nothing to sneeze at.
2) Stalwart Defender. In the event that this build somehow qualifies for it, the Prestige Class it was based on (Dwarven Defender) provides a ton of AC and other defensive bonuses. Sure, this is just speculation on my part, but I wanted to start my noob now. I could be totally wrong.
Leveling is a breeze. Straight Cleric to 11 for full heals, Mithral Full Plate and Dwarven Armor Mastery for sky-high AC all the way. Pick up the Monk levels at 12 and 13 so you have evasion before heading into the Vale and you're set.
Here's my level 16 / capped planned gear list.
Mineral 2 khopeshes:
Holy/+1Wis/+2Wis Mineral 2 Khopesh
Holy/+1Con/+4AC Mineral 2 Khopesh
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Lorrik's Necklace (+6 Wis, Wiz 6)
Goggles: Shroud Concordant (Imm/HP/Healing Lore)
Cloak: Shroud Mineral 2 (HP/SP/SP)
Trinket: Bloodstone / HoGF
Bracers: Tharne's Bracers (6 Armor, +6 Dex)
Armor: Icy Raiment
Gloves: +6 Strength
Belt: Belt of the Seven Ideals
Ring 1: GFL
Ring 2: +6 Con
Boots: Striding / FF