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  1. #21
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    Makes two of us, I'm also waiting on StarGate Worlds and Star Trek Online >>

    (I generally play 2-3 MMO's at a time for when cases like this come up.)
    i looked at stagte, but decided it didnt look like my style of game setting, star trek is well star trek, i never got into star trek as i liked star wars galaxy setting much more.

    star trek = everyone is lovey dovey nice to each other and humans are the greater good blah blah

    star wars = darker universe where the darkness in humans is actually showen = more realistic setting imo

    now if there was a babylon 5 mmo... oh yeah i really liked that series. better than star wars imo.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    not a fan of any of the "star" stuff, but it looks intriguing at least
    Stargate Worlds is probably the most down to earth of the "Star" games, the humans at least basically have current world tech, its not all this lasers flying everywhere stuff that Wars and Trek have, well, the opposition has 'em, but you'll use real world weapons, like you see the SG teams in the show using.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Your doomsaying of doom does not meet the doom regulations for doom font, doom color, or doom spelling, specifically the number of "o"s. Please take a moment and correct these glaring doom issues.

  3. #23
    Founder Donnie's Avatar
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    Good luck man. Ive played just about every recent MMO and I always end up back here.
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  4. #24
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    not a fan of any of the "star" stuff, but it looks intriguing at least
    If you are considering looking at one of the Sci-Fi MMO's due out this year, I'd keep an eye on Jumpgate: Evolution. I played the original that came out around 2000, and it was lots of fun. The new one promises to be even better.

    The reason I mention it is that it is a FPS MMO. You control your ship with joystick or keyboard/mouse, and fly around. To shoot mobs or other players you need to steer your ship to point your guns at them. If your aim is good, you hit, if you are facing the wrong way you miss. No rolling dice or anything, its all player skill. It would definately satisfy the "twitch" requirement in your OP, as Eve could not. As for stargate and startrek, I have great hopes that will likely be dashed in those games hehe.
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  5. #25
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    so then all that hubbub about us being the ugly stepchild isnt just alarmism?
    hate to say it but yeah its true

    Ip lay both lotro and DDO atm, and lotro is deff the golden/chosen child. but ddo has awesome twitch combat that gives an unparralleled addrenaline buzz, lol.
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  6. #26
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    sometimes taking a break from DDO every couple months help.

    lately I don't play as much, but I keep my sub alive because it's my sincere desire that it succeeds as an MMO for a very long time.

    "drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*

  7. #27
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    If you are considering looking at one of the Sci-Fi MMO's due out this year, I'd keep an eye on Jumpgate: Evolution. I played the original that came out around 2000, and it was lots of fun. The new one promises to be even better.

    The reason I mention it is that it is a FPS MMO. You control your ship with joystick or keyboard/mouse, and fly around. To shoot mobs or other players you need to steer your ship to point your guns at them. If your aim is good, you hit, if you are facing the wrong way you miss. No rolling dice or anything, its all player skill. It would definately satisfy the "twitch" requirement in your OP, as Eve could not. As for stargate and startrek, I have great hopes that will likely be dashed in those games hehe.
    never been much of a sci-fier, but i might check this out. ive always been more of a lotr person. never liked the dice much here anyway. so weird to be standing in front of a giant and him swing and hit you but not "hit" you. esp since you fly back either way.

  8. #28
    Community Member Pfamily's Avatar
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    Other good games?

    What about:
    strip poker?
    strip Monopoly?
    strip Twister?

    Hmmm...there's a theme there.
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  9. #29
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pfamily View Post
    Other good games?

    What about:
    strip poker?
    strip Monopoly?
    strip Twister?

    Hmmm...there's a theme there.
    the ball n chain doesnt let me play those with other people anymore

  10. #30
    Community Member sparty55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    hate to say it, but i think i might leave when my sub comes up in march if they dont fix this crashing bs. this was my first and only mmo so i dont know what else out there is any good for me. looking for some tips so i can try them out while waiting for mod 9.

    i like casters/magic

    i like the twitch in ddo

    i dont like autoattack

    i like playing with other mature and fun people

    any suggestions?
    Nothing is as good as this game when its working properly. Warhammer is just plain goofy and cartoonish, WoW is for kids, Conan has awesome graphics but is glitched beyond repair, Vanguard, well is vanguard. I have played all those games and they all suck goat. This is the best game for mature player base, graphics and game mechanics. Too bad its doesnt get much love from the powers that be.

  11. #31
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparty55 View Post
    Nothing is as good as this game when its working properly. Warhammer is just plain goofy and cartoonish, WoW is for kids, Conan has awesome graphics but is glitched beyond repair, Vanguard, well is vanguard. I have played all those games and they all suck goat. This is the best game for mature player base, graphics and game mechanics. Too bad its doesnt get much love from the powers that be.
    how is conan glitched? and what about vanguard? i agree about wow though. just watching some vids and stuff i dont even want to try it.

  12. #32
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    Stargate Worlds is probably the most down to earth of the "Star" games, the humans at least basically have current world tech, its not all this lasers flying everywhere stuff that Wars and Trek have, well, the opposition has 'em, but you'll use real world weapons, like you see the SG teams in the show using.
    I know a couple people were like, "What's Kist talking about when he said SWO?!?!"

    That's Stargate Worlds Online (SGWO is shortened to SWO since Star&Gate are conjoined).

    As for SWO, it's pretty much what will be filling in the gap for Hellgate London & Tabula Rasa (hopefully in a much better capacity). If it doesn't work out right, SW:ToR will nab a lot of the realism players, Star Trek Online will nab a lot of the others and Planetside will take the twitch players. Lithic mentioned Jumpgate: Evolution, and it has a possible chance at overtaking Planetside as the Sci-Fi/Futuristic twitch replacement. Meanwhile, Eve Online will remain strong with its unique training system (requiring no grinding, simply a patient player) and extremely tactic-filled game play.

    That's about a wrap for major things to come. There are a few others that are on the sides, but until they come close to release, they're all Betafodder and potential AoC/WAR launches.

    PS: Another game that was highly-anticipated for a unique fantasy setting was Hero's Journey, but that has been in production for EONS and is not really making progress. However, the HeroEngine is what was sold to Bioware for their MMO/RPG next-gen engine. I believe it's used in their off-line rpg epic, Dragon Age, but it may also be utilized in the new Star Wars: The Old Republic title. In my own personal opinion both of these games are going to be worth their weight in gold -- keep an eye on them!

  13. #33
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    doac was fun, haven't played it in years but they had pvp mastered
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  14. #34
    Community Member sparty55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    how is conan glitched? and what about vanguard? i agree about wow though. just watching some vids and stuff i dont even want to try it.
    Conan, at least when it first opened had a patch download every other day. I actually left this game and went over to conan for 3 months but quit when the character i was playing for 3 months turned out to be completely ineffective at endgame and wasn't desired for raids. The group/lfg panel was broken, the guild cities were broken so you had issues in pvp seiges, i even read that they are going to merge servers soon due to lack of population. I havent played in 4 or 5 months so it may be working correctly now, i dont know.

    vanguard is difficult to describe, you would have to play it to understand. I just didnt like it.

    Warhammer is just as cartoonish as WoW, not many glitches that i knew of but it was very similiar to WoW in the questing and levelling.

    DDO is the only game that i have played that wasnt a cookie-cutter imitation of WoW, which is probably why i like it so much. Its for the people who can think outside the tiny WoW box and do something different and succeed at it. I hate the technical difficulties that come along with this game but frankly I wouldnt play anything else.

  15. #35
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    I've tried the following other MMOs over the past year or two....

    Age of Conan: It was ok, but the grouping tools were bad and there were a lot of bugs. First 20ish levels were fun, after that lost interest. Not terrible, not great. Best of the 3 MMOs listed here.

    Lord of the Rings: Didn't make it through my first 30 days. Camera angles were good only if I was roleplaying a drunken sailor. Main quest story line wasn't completable solo, and you couldn't get a group as everyone had to be on the exactly same quest to progress. If they had already done it, they couldn't group with you on that quest. Note that only applied if you wanted to adventure on the main story line quests. Combat system is not good. Basically a WOW clone and not as good.

    WOW: Ok, but the lack of voicechat kinda turned me off. Maybe would have been my thing if I had started on it when it first came out. Combat system is not good.
    Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)

  16. #36
    Founder Donnie's Avatar
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    AoC presented me with the worst connectivity issues I had experienced in an MMO for a long time. People were lagging and getting booted for absolutely no reason. The devs totally ignored a thread on the issue, and over a period of 2 months it grew to an astronomical size. There was ONE dev responce half way through the two month period I played that said they were aware of the issue but they never added it to the known issue list (may have now, but at that time they wouldnt.) They were totally dodging the issue. It was absolutely RIDICULOUS. Then they farmed out their forums to some third party who were more concerned with discussing their opinions on operating systems and other random junk that had nothing to do with the game. Not to mention some of them were total morons who didn't even know what they were talking about. It was like they had random gamers come work for them with zero actual job experience. It was SAD AS HELL.

    Beyond that, the game could have probably at least kept my interest till I hit level cap if I was actually able to play the game without lagging out every time I interacted with a mob or particular environmental object. Now the box props one of my usb audio controllers to a slight angle so I can reach it better when working on music lol.

    At least I know the devs in this game really care about the game. They may not have the resources some of us wish they had, but from their posts it is obvious that they do actually care. They deserve a lot more credit than people give them.
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  17. #37
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    Since you like twitch and dislike auto attack, then the only possible other option is City of Heroes. It has tab targeting but it is pretty much the only other game without auto attack and novel aspects to it (fighting while flying, jumping super high, various physical effects etc).

    I like the game but its not for everyone. But basically most of the other games out there are not twitch at all and very auto attack oriented. For example you can get 1/3 of your damage from auto-attack in LOTRO.

    I would not do WAR if I were you. Or if you do, realize that the first 20 levels are fun but the last 20 levels are much much worse. And the PvP starts to get stale and rather silly as you progress.

    If you really like twitch you can try Jumpgate, but that is pretty old and very low population. Its a space simulator though and Jumpgate Evolution (the next iteration of the game) should enter Beta sometime in 2009.

    The only games out right now with significant collision are DDO, AoC, WAR, and City of Heroes. But DDO is the only one with real collision based hits and WARs implementation of collision rather bad with a lot of teleporting. Only CoH has rag doll physics of the four.

    WAR has some knockback effects. But for the most part the only games significant use of movement and physical effects are DDO and CoH (Auto Assault is closed down). The only other MMO I know of that even allows climbing of ladders is Neocron, which is an RPG/FPS hybrid. There just aren't many MMO that even use much 3D or phsyical aspects of their games.

  18. #38
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    I know a couple people were like, "What's Kist talking about when he said SWO?!?!"

    That's Stargate Worlds Online (SGWO is shortened to SWO since Star&Gate are conjoined).
    Well everyone on the forums there calls it SGW (Stargate Worlds), In over a year of following its development I have not once seen SWO or SGWO, though some do typo it to SWG, which causes confusion
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  19. #39
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asdfss View Post
    Since you like twitch and dislike auto attack, then the only possible other option is City of Heroes. It has tab targeting but it is pretty much the only other game without auto attack and novel aspects to it (fighting while flying, jumping super high, various physical effects etc).

    I like the game but its not for everyone. But basically most of the other games out there are not twitch at all and very auto attack oriented. For example you can get 1/3 of your damage from auto-attack in LOTRO.

    I would not do WAR if I were you. Or if you do, realize that the first 20 levels are fun but the last 20 levels are much much worse. And the PvP starts to get stale and rather silly as you progress.

    If you really like twitch you can try Jumpgate, but that is pretty old and very low population. Its a space simulator though and Jumpgate Evolution (the next iteration of the game) should enter Beta sometime in 2009.

    The only games out right now with significant collision are DDO, AoC, WAR, and City of Heroes. But DDO is the only one with real collision based hits and WARs implementation of collision rather bad with a lot of teleporting. Only CoH has rag doll physics of the four.

    WAR has some knockback effects. But for the most part the only games significant use of movement and physical effects are DDO and CoH (Auto Assault is closed down). The only other MMO I know of that even allows climbing of ladders is Neocron, which is an RPG/FPS hybrid. There just aren't many MMO that even use much 3D or phsyical aspects of their games.
    disappointing. thanks for the info though

  20. #40
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    Hmm maybe Age of Conan its has the nearest thing to our combat system and for me it was fun up until I left the starter area which is for levels of 1-20, after that was a bit grindy and grouping had some issues but it has been several months since I tried it they may have some of those issues worked out, but I dont think you will find any game out there or in the pipeline as good as what we have. WoW is what it is and war seems more of the same for me except for diferent wrapping and being somewhat better pvp. As one other poster suggested the SWG emu is a lot of fun but you will need to track down some disks for the orignal game but you can find those as cheap as 5.00 or maybe free if you already had them or a friend did.

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