in general there are some basic (what one might consider to be common sense) rules in ddo that extend beyond programming.
it seems that as each day passes more and more people find it necessary to break these niceties that most people employ when in a group with other people. maybe it's the anonymity that makes people feel they have license to do things and say things that are amazingly out of bounds of common sense and courtesy. i, for one, am a pinnacle of social etiquette and hope to help those who might have questions about what kind of cake to bring and which shoes to wear if you're on a kobold elite run or just showing up to an informal shroud raid.

#1. adjust the volume of your mic so your voice doesn't sound like you turned your amp up to 11 and are getting ready to sing death metal vocals to an arena sized venue.
#2. use push to talk if you have some strange disease that makes you cough or yell to your mother so everyone can hear.
#3. Don't talk about stepping on peoples' johnsons, no one wants to hear about your foot fetish.
#4. Don't ask to be invited into a group and then try to dominate the direction of the party as though you were leader.
#5. No one cares about your toon's stats unless they specifically ask you. rambling on and on about game mechanics without being prompted makes people uncomfortable with your loserhood. No one cares about the mods on your weapon, the type of armor you are using, or your exact skill layout unless you're a rogue who can't disable the trap.
#6. Don't go afk for 10 minutes the second you join a loot run and enter the dungeon. It will probably be your last loot run with that group.
#7. No one wants to hear you argue in voice chat. Take it to tells.
#8. No one wants to hear a 40 year old man screaming at the top of his lungs about using acid fog. (name must remain publicly anonymous)
#9. d&d married couple sexual innuendo. nuff said.
#10. Sometimes less is more. We don't need a constant narrative about every single thing that happens for the duration of an hour long raid. Your name should not always be lit up green.