I enjoy greasing or being greased by fellow players it is fun and humorous, but grease has the potential to solve some of bards cc issues which can not be ignored thus my proposal for a change. It is an area of effect reflex spell and if heightened by bards could do the same for bards that web does for wizards. The problem is it effects fellow players and disrupts their ability to melee; hence, it is not a desirable spell for actual combat.
The current onslaught of devils on stormreach with their high will and fortitude saves and spell resistance necessitates area of effect reflex save spells. Bards are the cc masters, but they are abysmal ccers in DDO due to blanket mob immunities and/or extreme will saves and/or fort saves. Alot of bards who are not melee oriented have been able to succeed where their ccing abilities have failed with healing capabilities beyond their pnp counterparts, but with the cap going up to 20 and the mass heal spell coming for clerics bard healing vs. clerics should take a nosedive. Bards only recourse will be improving their ccing abilities...
Web in pnp effects fellow players, but in DDO it does not so why the double standard with Grease. Shouldn't Grease also not affect players? It would give bards a much better capacity to cc devils and in general.