Hello to any and all who care,
After almost 3 years playing DDO, and loving most of it, I must take a break. I am burned out beyond belief in the game and especially in Turbine.
I plan on re-uping some time after Mod 9 (usually takes them 1-3 weeks to iron out the bugs anyway, and I cant BEAR to take part in another buggy release) to see just what all of Turbines hype is (or isnt) about. (vast and mysterious my butt)
I hope Turbine really understands that a lot of players are taking Mod 9 as the make or break for them. If it doesn't offer something grand (as we have been led to believe for a long, long time now), many will call it quits.
I know I will.
For the most part, I have immensely enjoyed the experience that I pay for here (or I wouldn't have still been here all this time). But all along the way, we are constantly disappointed by Turbine. It seems every hurrah is tempered with something that makes you grumble under your breath.
Please Turbine, I'm begging you, don't disappoint!!
I WANT to come back, I WANT to give you more money every month. But if Mod 9 is just more of the same, then I will hang up my helm, donate all my gear and delete everything - never to look back.
Until Sometime later... in Spring ... Good Bye!!