Since this game started, alot of really nice items have been introduced... but they are slowly disappearing from the game (effectively anyways). People used to put some concerted effort to find these items, and now they are largely obsolete. Some examples:
Sword of Shadows (used to be one of the best 2 handers, now second rate at cap), Bereavement, tome of untold legends weapons (except skiver and deathnip which people still try and get), retribution, dragonscale armor (blue are still sought after), sheild of legends turn ins, centurion armor, insulated armor, maralith chain.
All of these used to be used at end-game.. but not anymore. It used to take alot of runs to get things things. Today, doing the required number of runs to get these things would put a person close to, or at cap (which entirely defeats the point). These items have some of the best/most unique graphics in the game, and it's a shame we dont see them around anymore.
I suggest increasing the drop rate of some of these items (but not at the expense of the other raid items that people still use at cap), or in some way make them easier to obtain at a lower level so that people might actually use them. I'd love to use weapons such as the twinblade, razorend, or how bout the shining cresents?.. im just not going to cap a character searching/farming for them, only to find they are obsolete.