Hey guys got a few things that need clearing out here. Everything below has a number in brackets - that is the number of larges desired. Please PM me any offer and i will let you know as soon as i can. If multiple offers are made I will take in priority of which ingrediants i prefer. My priority list is as follows
If its still here make me an offer - all must go!
1. Scale (scales count as two)
2. Stone
3 Shrapnel
4 Chain
5 Arrow
please no bones.
For trade for larges
+1 Ghost touch shortsword of disruption (2)
+1 Shocking Burst Kukri of smiting (1)
+1 vorpal sickle of tendon slice 4% (2) (Gone)
+1 Banishing light repeater (1)
+3 Maladroit club of bonebreaking (rr Halfling)(1-2)
+3 Wounding Longbow of Puncturing (1-3) (Gone)
+1 wounding Shortbow of puncturing (1) (Pending)
+5 Sacred Mithril Full Plate of Stability (2) (pending)
Boots of the innocent (2) (Gone)
Chaosguarde (1)
Intimidate 13 Ring (2+) (gone)
Haggle 15 Helm(1)
Haggle 15 Necklace (1) (Gone)
For trade for Smalls
The following are for trade for small ingrediants they will each be traded for one of each type except bone - i.e 1 scale 1 stone 1 chain 1 arrow 1 shrapnel - total 5 smalls. Greenbriar twigs may be substituted for any and all of the above.
Jinx's Vexation
+1 Vorpal Handaxe of something
+1 vorp handaxe of shatter (rr dwarf lvl 14)
+3 Vorpal Greataxe (pending)
Disease imm ring and necklace of prot +5 (trade pending on necklace ring still available)