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  1. #121
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swooshrp View Post
    Now take away shroud weapons and imagine if they were never introduced. Everyone is wielding a +5 weapon with some form of 1-2 enhancements. HPS would need to drop, and wounding would have been less of a priority, and likely the evolution of them in groups would have never been needed.
    the random loot tables, even preshroud, has/had the opportunity to drop weapons capable of more damage than shroud craftables. Changing shroud weaponary in order to drop mob hp is silly; b/c those lucky few with high + holy greater banes, or element greater banes will rule the day instead.

    the nice thing about shroud weapons is that they eliminate the need to carry buttloads of specific mob weapons, trading in a tiny bit of damage for those with uber weapons, and gaining a few points for those with less so uber.

    there is a heavy grind associated with the shroud, might not be as noticable for some with multiple toons. But try grinding a tier 2 weapon with only a single character, and w/o trading or purchasing ingredients. The weapons are appropriate for the grind power level wise.

    Furthermore, the whole argument that recent mob HP inflation is due to shroud weapons falls straight on its face by the simple fact that only a handfull of monsters recieved this increase. If shroud weapons were a serious consideration, then the kobolds and monks and all the other jazz besides the giants (and elementals in SoS) would have boosted HP.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  2. #122
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branmakmuffin View Post
    Neither my nor anyone else's casualness has any bearing whatsoever on your obsessive gaming.

    A "toon." What is a "toon?" I don't have any toons.

    Wrong. The part you're playing is the best part. Remember what Yoda said about how Luke was always looking to the future, and that his mind was never on where he was or on what he was doing.

    What was it Buzz said to Woody? Something like "You're a sad little man, and you have my pity."
    I have to honestly say, you are the worst kind of player for this game. You are the kind of person that projects his values on others because you feel your opinion is the one that counts and is universally accepted as right. ****, you should join the ACLU and fight for our right to do things your way. Its a pretty pathetic and narrow view, more so since you try to impose it on others. Perhaps the end game is best because the middle grind is a been there done that deal for some of us. Basically what I'm saying is, I have done what you view as best, you have never done what I am telling you is best....who's opinion is based on experience and who's is based on speculation. Save the Yoda quotes for the kids....tomm at school.

  3. #123
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    I have to honestly say, you are the worst kind of player for this game. .
    shhhhhhhhhh best thing normally to do is to ignore the muffin man

    some people just live to get a rise out of others, so best to let them argue with themselves
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  4. #124
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    shhhhhhhhhh best thing normally to do is to ignore the muffin man

    some people just live to get a rise out of others, so best to let them argue with themselves
    Well, you would think they'd be better at it. At least construct an argument based on fact or experience....he did neither. I just figured I'd point out that he really is bad at posting and therefore his opinion is pretty much ****.

  5. #125
    Community Member swooshrp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post

    Furthermore, the whole argument that recent mob HP inflation is due to shroud weapons falls straight on its face by the simple fact that only a handfull of monsters recieved this increase. If shroud weapons were a serious consideration, then the kobolds and monks and all the other jazz besides the giants (and elementals in SoS) would have boosted HP.
    Those are trash mobs, which I addressed in that same post. Also those quests are a joke in terms of difficulty.

    Look at VoD for one example.
    Last edited by swooshrp; 01-18-2009 at 01:18 AM.
    The Hand of the Black Tower
    Sortilege - Espre - Merrows

  6. #126
    Community Member Galacticus's Avatar
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    Thumbs down


    I agree with you 100%. There isn't any real loot to be had. This is the last of the most treasured and sought after.

  7. #127
    Community Member ShaeNightbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    This is hilarious. I understand you've only been playing a year but for those of us powerlevel type players from the beginning the middle is boring.
    I know. It's why I find you powerlevel types to be boring. Both in game and in RL. Mr 2 month sorc takes that attitude with him everywhere he goes. It's also why he's going to be gone.

  8. #128
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaeNightbird View Post
    I know. It's why I find you powerlevel types to be boring. Both in game and in RL. Mr 2 month sorc takes that attitude with him everywhere he goes. It's also why he's going to be gone.
    Awesome of you to generalize. Do you actually have any experience with people IRL? So lets get this straight....ALL powerlevelers have and attitude...and ALL powerlevelers carry it over to real life....sooooooo ALL powerlevelers are bad for the game and will be, perhaps a class in philosophy would assist you in creating a valid argument. The reality is, we are the people that push the game to make it better. We are the people that message to the devs in game about everything we find that needs to be corrected because we leave no stone unturned. I'm sure some of us get bored and move on, but so do some of you. Its a pretty even swap as far as retention goes. I have capped favor in this game. I have done EVERYTHING!! It still amazes me that people have an opinion about how WE play because their way is better. How would you know?? You've never done what we do.,,but once again I'll point out, we HAVE done what you do. I'm not sure what server you play on, but I'd be happy to come to your server and show you the benefits of powerleveling. I'll run you through about the first 5 or 6 levels in an afernoon this week and see if you have no fun. Try it, you might like it...but even if you dont, your way isnt better....its just better for you.

  9. #129
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galacticus View Post

    I agree with you 100%. There isn't any real loot to be had. This is the last of the most treasured and sought after.
    Only in the case of weapons Drak, there are still many "rares" to be had.

  10. #130
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=osirisisis;2005489]First of all my credentials

    The random loot table is like a lotto. When a player opens a chest or gets a end reward he or she has a chance to get something so rare and valuable that there is great excitement in the anticipation. That item can make them feel special as they tell stories about where they got it and show it off to friends. This excitement is a major part of the "ENJOYMENT OF THE DDO EXPERIENCE"

    Being a power gamer with I'm sure as many hours I have to agree. I still loot run a lot but there are few places left to loot run because even items have less value due to crafting. It has become an issue where crafted items have reduced power gamers, that can get everything they need on a toon through crafting and raiding in less than a week, to running loot runs for situational only items. I pretty much have limited my current looting to the cursed crypt, but only one loot run gets boring. I feel like I'm back in threnal.

    So, as a suggestion, it would be nice if you not only used some of the weapon suggestions but also adding additional situational effect items for the twitch players. Scourge chokers are a good example. A great situational item that stacks. This is an item that still holds value due to the fact it stacks.

    Now, honestly, I have no suggestions for these items, I'd rather be surprised!

    There is no greater feeling in the world than popping a chest and finding the item you've been looking for...and that has never come from pulling a large scale.

  11. #131
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Angry Blah Blah Blah

    I have been hearing this said so many times now since the very beginings of the the F can you even prove this?

    Negative Nancy keep it to yourself!
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  12. #132
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    I have been hearing this said so many times now since the very beginings of the the F can you even prove this?

    Negative Nancy keep it to yourself!
    I agree, I do not believe DDO is dying and I hate hearing people cry about it, its all ****. The game has design plans for the next several years. I would like to make suggestions based on my gaming experience to increase the population if at all possible. I would like to see people stop crying wolf though, its ridiculous. I'm sure many gamers have the experience to make suggestions to make the game more enjoyable, but I'm just as certain most have no practical business experience.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    I have to honestly say, you are the worst kind of player for this game.
    Honestly? Not frankly, or earnestly? What about "in all candor?" How about "just between you, me and the picket fence?"

    Basically what I'm saying is, I have done what you view as best, you have never done what I am telling you is best.
    When I view "playing video games 12 hours a day" as "best," I'll let you know.

  14. #134
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    because we have players who cant spell spiral and spell nerf "nurf"
    Aundair, New Khyber
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  15. #135
    Community Member Magi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branmakmuffin View Post
    Honestly? Not frankly, or earnestly? What about "in all candor?" How about "just between you, me and the picket fence?"

    When I view "playing video games 12 hours a day" as "best," I'll let you know.
    Thank you for enforcing the fact that you have nothing of importance to add to this thread. I was waiting hopefully, but that wait is finally over. You really need to get better at making a point or if you're trying to get a rise you really need to make any point at all. Flaming is a joke, as are the people who do it. I have a pretty good idea that if I look back through your posts I'll find 2 things....flaming and crying. More of the latter unless you're trumped in an argument, then more of the former. Really, make a point or just go away, you have obviously expended any intelligent comment you might have had...although I couldnt fine one.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    [something or other]
    Hark, what wind through yonder posting breaks? 'Tis the least, and Magi is his name.

    There's no comeback from a recanted threat to ignore. I will forever pwn you in these forums.

  17. #137
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swooshrp View Post
    Those are trash mobs, which I addressed in that same post. Also those quests are a joke in terms of difficulty.

    Look at VoD for one example.
    Vod for an example of what? the devils are trash, as are the bats, and the orthons are meant to be minibosses, thus the high HP and red named immunities. Most people use vorpals on the devils, but they dont have near the HP of the giants or elementals released in the last mod. Frankly when faced with an elite devil in shroud or VoD, I prefer to switch to DPS if I know noone else will be swinging on it.

    And you still ignored the fact that specialty random loot weapons can drop that beat shroud weaponary. The best thing about the shroud weapons is that they give effects not found anywhere else. Radiance for rogues, but guess thats not so important, b/c it only works on trash. Lit 2 is fun, but loses alot of effectiveness on difficulties higher than normal. Mineral 2 is a good all use weapon, but you lose out of 2 tiers of effects on some of the biggest monsters in the game due to acid resistance.

    Shroud weapons enable more people to be competitve, instead of just those that are lucky or rich enough to afford crazy random loot greater banes.

    If Prey and SoS are a joke in terms of difficulty, then theres really no issue with stat weapons, b/c in all the content before this last mod, con damage was not a necessity.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galacticus View Post

    I agree with you 100%. There isn't any real loot to be had. This is the last of the most treasured and sought after.
    I dont think they should nerf them but I dont have any besides one bow that I dont even use and the only reason I would want to loot one was to sell it, so not treasured or really sought by me

    Beware the Sleepeater

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by martryn View Post
    You don't have a job and you sleep less than four hours a night?


    Parent's basement! Or else really bad at time keeping.

    I can't really understand your post, but I will disagree. At least from the casual gamer standpoint. The main reason that my casual group of friends stopped playing DDO is because of the die hard gamers. Turbine lost at least 4 subscriptions from my group of friends because they all played 12 hours or less a week and felt like idiots when they didn't know some small intricacy on a quest they've never run before.

    Course, there aren't going to be many casual gamers taking time out to post on a forum dedicated to a game that they just casually play, so I might be the minority opinion on this one.
    Sounds like you and your friends should have tried permadeath. That problem has yet to surface in my PD play experience! We actually enjoy questing with people who are new to a quest, esp in higher level quests
    Carliee the fantabulous cleric plays with Extreme Explorers on Sarlona ... The funnest guild ever!

  20. #140
    Community Member swooshrp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    Vod for an example of what? the devils are trash, as are the bats, and the orthons are meant to be minibosses, thus the high HP and red named immunities. Most people use vorpals on the devils, but they dont have near the HP of the giants or elementals released in the last mod. Frankly when faced with an elite devil in shroud or VoD, I prefer to switch to DPS if I know noone else will be swinging on it.

    And you still ignored the fact that specialty random loot weapons can drop that beat shroud weaponary. The best thing about the shroud weapons is that they give effects not found anywhere else. Radiance for rogues, but guess thats not so important, b/c it only works on trash. Lit 2 is fun, but loses alot of effectiveness on difficulties higher than normal. Mineral 2 is a good all use weapon, but you lose out of 2 tiers of effects on some of the biggest monsters in the game due to acid resistance.

    Shroud weapons enable more people to be competitve, instead of just those that are lucky or rich enough to afford crazy random loot greater banes.

    If Prey and SoS are a joke in terms of difficulty, then theres really no issue with stat weapons, b/c in all the content before this last mod, con damage was not a necessity.
    I honestly think you may be agreeing with me. Not to sound harsh, but I truely do.

    Orthon have high hps and immunities for a reason right? If shroud weapons weren't available then there would be less need for high hps and immunities.

    I disagree with you about the best loot can be dropped randomly when compared to shroud weapons...but if you eliminate shroud weapons then not only do random loot becomes more important but a bigger variety becomes more important.

    Imagine shroud weapons never being introduced. Not only do the weapons that come somewhat close to shroud weapons would be seeked but also anything else beneficial for certain quests/raids. With shroud weapons, 95% of all weapons are just vendored. Witout shroud weapons, a huge influx of what weapons considered valued to keep would be present.

    To counter your last point on Prey and SoS, stat weapons would be less needed if large hps and immunities were not added. And mod 8 is not far behind from the shroud introduction. Minus the small Vod/Hound raids in mod 7 where in terms of end game content was such a small addition of content. Both mod 7 and 8 are post shroud and have examples where devs chose to add hps and immunities to compensate the DPS players can obtain now from everyone either using W/P and shroud weapons. It's all related to each other.

    My point is expect more of the same in future mods and unbalanced approach of HPs and immunities.

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