[I may have spelling and grammar errors, but my delete key is iffy today so please don't focus on those.]
First to the OP I've been playing video arcade games since PONG was out. Yes the FIRST arcade video game. I played D&D for over 31 years now. And depending on what the evolution of a MUD to a MMORPG is (and Wikki literally deleting ALL evidence of them when proof is shown as to the facts and people get banned is exactly why I never trusted such a system of reporting over the proof-readership of encyclopedias on-line, but I digress...) I played MMORPGS for 9-18 years; yeah those Diablos and Ultima onlines and Meridian 57's existed LONG before EQ and others before them, with graphics and stuff too

I vary in playing here from as little as 0-4 hours a week to as much as 40-50+, depending on my work schedule (also when employed, thanks economy,) my personal obligations, my friends outside this community, my family and other stuff that gaming has no link to.
I have min-maxed and role-played. Experimental built and sped ran. Made the least likely to fail build then threw that away when I started permadeath as the rules (when I play) for that play style vary differently.
I've been here officially and unofficially coming up on 3 years but listed more like 2 years nine months if you look at the "final" account I settled with checking back up on the game and it's rocky beginnings.
You know what?
We have many "experts" here with "credentials" in their field. The power gamer is as important (or maybe even less) as the casual gamer, or the MMORPG jumper (the one who plays several not quits for the new thing.) Not addressing an entire segment of the population is like a upper middle class person who is a college professor addressing the "middle class, the homeless and those in that group."
No common sense and no experience in that area, yet it makes up the entirety of what we are. Yes I am making a veiled political allusion which will remain nameless, but simply treat as an allegory. For those who don't get it, just move on for now.
Address ALL player types (like Merlask-now Tolero-did in her VERY detailed multi server review pre merge) their habits and their vocal opinions.
And if you got the lofty goal to go into "analysis mode," well, it's been said better by others. I shall simply state please review your posts, correct some spelling and grammar for professional reasons and use DIRECT factual correlation both in your observations and proposed solutions.
Better yet, don't do an analysis and use the simple words, "in my opinion." Scientific critics are the meanest of the bunch because their whole world of construction is attempted to be shattered by some ego, and if they "win" they act as if "all others are not fact but simply attention to their opinion, not LAW."
Yep, the biggest logic adherers and proof demanders are the biggest bullies out there, but they at least demand evidence that overrules any DISPROOF (Einstein was so ahead of his time and without his formal training, many of his colleagues wrote him off as a kook or not well...yes the failing of math person simply because he thought literally outside the Euclidean box.)
So, address your future opinions based on solid correlated fact (not simply saying this was up and this was down, but look how the gamer DNA did theirs even WHEN population levels are classified on a Turbine level.)
As for my OPINION on the system we have.....it went too powerful too fast and the monster inflation has put us in a Monty Hall situation at higher levels just to be productive or even survive. This has caused many (a lot seen in pugs from personal experience) to have laundry lists of requirements and being run like a military rush mission by some "I know the best method and the formula starts with 2 casters, 3 tanks........")
In other words, not fun.
The Shroud.....man did that unbalance a lot of things. The big 5 STILL have their place as a weapon for every occasion, but making people ONLY go for Shroud items makes a degraded player when it comes to variety combat, that is thinking about ALL options sometimes. Also it Monty halls us again.
The rules of DDO must be followed when they can be implemented in a game, so no breaking and making more weapons that simply cannot exist.
The prefix and suffix go back to the book loot tables so embraced, so that cannot change either.
But I also agree more exceptional items with multiple surprises in the rules allowed. The Planar Gird was an EXCELLENT choice versus the Shroud high grind for low drop items and puzzle piece it together (this also is true for our "alchemical" improvements to original stuff and the inflation it unrealistically causes components....I never pull a Lightning split soarwood...and now for ONCE get 1...do I GRIND MERCILESSLY for 8 hours for #2 or pay 100,000+ gold for each? I suggest none of the above.) Redo the whole system, including this random loot roulette for shield high levels who spent enough time and strategy just getting access to the quest and succeeding to do it in time for the last part. More potential for adding RARE items that have special things...make the journey exciting instead of some shopping list!
Finally, enough with the spiraling of doom crud. We're about to enter the third year of the game's "dying" anniversary February, and new users based on the NEW SYSTEM of creation and playing low levels ARE trickling in (I met them so it's definitely true.) In that aspect, Turbine better have that coordinated marketing launch ready or this experiment is not going to last without advertising and making this more of a referral game never getting the fair advertisements of others, including the supported LOTRO by the same company.
"Yush," the rework DOES require a ground up (not top to bottom) if we are to address the monster/player inflated values, and that WILL take time, with calls Nerf a plenty when it REALLY is for game balance.
Until we have REAL crafting and customization, a lot of the support or augmentation are moot anyway, and who knows what the new capstones and enhancements (with some of those weird unneeded pre-reqs) will do?
None of all these things has condemned the game nor is is saved. But if I do an analysis I will treat this like any college or business report and make sure I have plenty of references, interviews,
experts in the area, and a conclusion based on ALL information.
It still most likely would be hotly debated.
But I'm not doing this.
Why? Prime rule 1:
I love my game and hobby, but sometimes you got to just step back for a bit, no matter how short or long you do.
All those objectifying, please do for a bit, as when you return, it does give you a fresh perspective on things.
Oh yeah, and have fun!
That's on page 1032; instructions written out on standard flowchart/Boolean including XOR Logic Tree