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  1. #1
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    Default Tune down Crossbow rewards

    I see a lot of complains about not getting named loot, or +3 tomes, or WoP, etc...

    Me, i just have a request. An old one, one i have since day 1.

    Please, almighty please, fix the crossbow appearance-rate in end rewards.
    It HAS to be a bug.
    On every single character i have, i get these ugly lists of crossbows.
    Today, after a VoD run, my Rog/fighter had a choice of 5 different crossbows.
    And my sorc, bard, and wizard get the same.

    Look, i understand that every class in the game can use crossbow, and so they will pop up on everyone's reward lists. But is it normal that my rogue sees more crossbows then light weapons? Should my sorcerer really see more crossbows then scepters?

    Here is a little secret, dear devs:

    NOBODY USES ( non-repeating) CROSSBOWS

    You can't even sell a WoP crossbow on the AH!
    Nobody likes them. So, when 5 out of 8 items are crossbows, it's a real kick in the balls.

    Please. I understand that we will get unwanted items (like scalemail, hide armors, shields, great clubs, bastard swords). But the rate of crossbows is just silly. All character pooled, it is the most common weapon pulled. That is ridiculous.

  2. #2
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    Hmm. How about being able to put crossbows in the stone of change with some conversion materials to convert them into repeating crossbows? Makes sense. It should be added. Then no more complaints of those damned crossbows.

  3. #3
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    Here is a little secret, dear devs:

    NOBODY USES ( non-repeating) CROSSBOWS

    You can't even sell a WoP crossbow on the AH!
    Nobody likes them. So, when 5 out of 8 items are crossbows, it's a real kick in the balls.

    Please. I understand that we will get unwanted items (like scalemail, hide armors, shields, great clubs, bastard swords). But the rate of crossbows is just silly. All character pooled, it is the most common weapon pulled. That is ridiculous.
    Venar, please state the source of your research that you have done to be able to speak for thousand's of players on all servers and say "nobody uses non-repeating crossbows".

    The fact that crossbows existed in a medevil environment and has been translated to a fantasy based medevil environment alone precludes that fact that only the type of weapon you prefer should be spawned. If for no other reason think of them as a means to gather more coin.

    On the other hand I just recently read about many players that are deciated great crossbow users so that right there makes your statement false.

    Speak for yourself and your desires, please do not say catagorically that no one uses other crossbows. I myself still pack a regular non-repeating crossbow on some of my characters and use them occasionally. So again that makes your statement false.
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  4. #4
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Yeah, I can't seem to sell anything but repeaters on the AH. Even good xbows don't sell (Holy of PG, Weakening of Enfeebling, Keen of Puncturing/Smiting/Banishing... No one buys 'em.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    I will state my research: Playing this game since release and having yet to see someone use a crossbow in a serious manner. I am not talking about some bad caster who runs out of SP and thinks his crossbow is more usefull then a wand.

    You are just looking to be picky. No one uses crossbow man, i dont need a research or some proof. The weapon has bad dmg, bad shoot rate, and feats dont affect it. I see more throwing weapon beeing used.
    I have put, on the AH, some W/P crossbows, some GT of Disruption crossbows, and some +5 transmuting of greater outsider bane, at regular base price no buy-out, and they did not sell. 3 days, base price, no bid. I dont even think people LOOK at the crossbow section.

    You ask me not to talk for everyone by saying crossbows are bad, but maybe you should be the one who should not talk for everyone about me beeing wrong, because i have yet to see anyone, ever, be happy about pulling a crossbow.
    It does not need testing or definition.
    They are unwanted, just like Hide armors and Brigantines. They are THE worst weapon in the game. I dont see where i need some justification to say "please lower the drop rate of the worst weapon in the game in my reward list".

    Also, even if you are right, and there are 5 users out there that i sure wish i never have to carry into a raid, it still does not justify why this weapon is the most frequently displayed as end rewards, all class together. Every class pulls crossbows, and lots and lots of them.
    I am wishing for a tune-down of the reward-rate for them, and i stick to my wish.

  6. #6
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    cmon man I love getting 4 crossbows and 3 or 4 great greater devotion 1 -3 shields... I luv the lootz
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    NOBODY USES ( non-repeating) CROSSBOWS
    I don't disagree with OP at all - but I must say that I was in a shroud PUG the other day and there was a barbarian using a crossbow on the portals.

    And yes, the PUG wiped.


  8. #8
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    How about adding some valuable items to the loot tables rather than giving us tonas of crappy gear. Non-Magical stuff like chalices and necklaces and rings and stuff.. Values could range from gemlike value to very high value (high value items being much rarer of course). I can't believe the artwork would be that time consuming and it would offer more variety. Another benefit would be that once you have guild housing in place (if ever) it could be used for decor...

    Crazy ideas I know.....
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  9. #9
    Community Member Asherons_Chosen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vallin View Post
    I don't disagree with OP at all - but I must say that I was in a shroud PUG the other day and there was a barbarian using a crossbow on the portals.

    And yes, the PUG wiped.

    ... Laugh.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vallin View Post
    I don't disagree with OP at all - but I must say that I was in a shroud PUG the other day and there was a barbarian using a crossbow on the portals.

    And yes, the PUG wiped.

    Someone probably told them to get ANY GCB weapon and use that on the portals, and being the barbarian that they are, the least expensive GCB weapon they could find was a the X-Bow....

    Now, that is not the same was using things like exotic weapons and taking a to hit penalty that does not matter since the AC of the portals is so low you can only miss them on 1's if you are at all competent in melee...

    On a personal note: I seldom see X-bows in end reward lists, while I do see lots of Studded Leather, or Ghost Touch Shields that do stick in my memory...
    Last edited by Zenako; 01-13-2009 at 12:06 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default crossbows

    Crossbows are simple weapons vs bows that are martial weapons. Cleric can use xbows for ranging stuff, and they are a lot more than decent throwing weapons. Granted at higher levels they should dual weild class enhancing stuff most of the time. But Xbows are still a viable ranged weapons for non martial classes. I have a repeater build and I sometimes use standard xbows that have banish, para, or gtr bane, because I can find those much easier and cheaper than the rptr equiv.

  12. #12


    Add in more random loot so we have something to look forward to!

    Because while the Op says too many xbows, and I agree, at the end of the day 88% of the time I just take the highest priced weapon to sell to a broker, 10% of the time I take something I can sell on the AH (usually as a twink item for someone), 10% of the time I take a mana pot, and 2% of the time I find something I can use (before anyone gets all technical...yes, I completely made up those percentages for purpose of making a point).

    So whether Im dumping Xbows, armor or daggers on the broker, the underlying issue is that the random tables leave very little to be desired at end game.

    Agree with the Op, but the underlying issue is that Shroud crafting and raid loot has destroyed the need for almost anything coming from a normal chest or end reward. So yeah, everyone feels like loot tables suck, but that's because the game has not been judicious enough in passing out loot. More loot should be coming from random loot tables, and less loot should be coming from specific named loot found in chests.

    At least give us some consumables that are worths something (10 pack of heal scrolls, 200 slayer arrows instead of 20, etc). The increments on the consumables are too small for current use...

    ...oh, and drop that mana pot rate...its a little high...(but that's for another thread)...
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  13. #13
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    I can pretty much guarentee ... every uber combination of effects ... I will pull it on a crossbow before anything else. I see more silly crossbows then anything and cannot help but wonder why? I understand that 99.999% of loot should be vendor fodder but at least make it interesting that I may actually be able to sell something on the AH more often... or possibly trade it to someone who might find it useful.


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  14. #14
    Community Member slaymen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vallin View Post
    I don't disagree with OP at all - but I must say that I was in a shroud PUG the other day and there was a barbarian using a crossbow on the portals.

    And yes, the PUG wiped.

    Your luck with pugs... Luckily I wasn't there or it might have gone from a PUG wipe to an epic pug wipe.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    Cleric can use xbows for ranging stuff, and they are a lot more than decent throwing weapons
    A returning weapon does not need ammo, and can be used in one hand while holding an off-end heal-enhancing weapon (or a seeker one)

  16. #16
    Community Member Holgar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    A returning weapon does not need ammo, and can be used in one hand while holding an off-end heal-enhancing weapon (or a seeker one)
    And, not for nuthin', but the returning weapon allows you to add your str bonus to damage...


  17. #17
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default xbows vs thrown weapons

    the availability of really nice thrown weapons is much lower than the nice xbows. What makes you think my cleric has a str that is much better than his dex?

    So I have a much better chance to find an xbow to fit my needs before I find a thrown weapon. The exception being that there are vorpal thrown weapons, and there aren't any vorpal xbows.

  18. #18
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    I do have characters that carry crossbows, save up bolts, etc.

    They sit in my inventory, and are never used. At low levels, I have plenty to do with spells and wands, at high level I am focused on spells and ...scrolls.... Just no time for crossbows.

    That being said, I have used it to effect one time, on my Cleric, CL. I had saved up 200 greater Evil Outsider Slaying bolts, and had the pulled the crossbow from Demon Queen, and accompanied a party on Running with the Devils.

    I was like a Vice President shooting a room full of Friends. For that one adventure, on normal, I was a killing machine. Then the 90% dead party asked me to pay attention job. As I was out of bolts anyway, we fought the last room, and I got as my end reward??????

    +1 Holy Burst light crossbow of GEOBane....rr warforged.

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