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  1. #21
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    I always wondered what he was doing there...mystery solved!
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  2. #22
    Community Member Return_To_Forever's Avatar
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    You know what this means I have to do, every time I see you in there?

    for shame

  3. #23
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    The people on Sarlona who do this tend to put what they're doing in their bio/LFG comment. "Holding House <D/K> broker open. Enjoy!"

    The ones who don't understand it and claim you're a plat farmer can be safely squelched. The ones who do you won't get a comment from, other than a possible thanks.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  4. #24
    Founder ace_mason's Avatar
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    You are a plat farmer. You just dont sell your plat for rl money or do anything against turbine rules.
    Leader of PESTILENCE!!Loot whoring is our business and business is GOOD! Revrend Band.
    "I would never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by ace_mason View Post
    You are a plat farmer. You just dont sell your plat for rl money or do anything against turbine rules.
    well then we are all plat farmers
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  6. #26
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
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    Default I do not think you are a Plat farmer

    So, the whole server thinking that, is an incorrect statement.

    You are a level 16 bard with maxed haggle. (I assume maxed haggle.)

    I used to sing you a song but then I realized that you are just there doing exactly what you said you are doing.

    I am pretty sure the goods refresh still but that might occur when you leave. I really do not pay attention. And I really do not care.

    I do know that the goodies in the armor shops and the marketplace vendors DEFINITELY refresh.

    If I want something
    a) I can loot it eventually
    b) I can buy it at auction
    c) I can buy it eventually

    But most important for me, I do not measure my enjoyment of the game by the goodies I have. I measure by how much I just enjoy playing. After my first year I have acquired a nice selection of stuff to help myself out and to play how I feel and I also donate stuff to other players.

    Of course, the good stuff, I am selfish and keep for myself. But if I get a +15 Intimidate Item, I give it to people who play intimitanks. I am not smart enough to do that.

    If I pull something that I know I will not use, and someone asks for it, it is theirs.

    If I pull something cool, I still get that warm and fuzzy feeling.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Monster AI tends to be a limitation of the engine - smart AIs cause more server lag. Boy am I going to get quoted on that or what.
    I survived the scary events in 2009, 2010, and 2011. 2011 did not reward those that played by the rules.

  7. #27
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnya View Post
    Read the initals, champ!
    initials? Is that the word you meant?
    "!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot

  8. #28
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    bah just bring up the log out window and don't click anything. You stay online indefinitely. I don't think its an exploit at all btw. At least I can't see why it would be an exploit.

    Anyway for my lameass proof - one night i was in there alone and there was a ton of stuff on the House D vendor that I had browsed through. A guy comes in and interacts with the vendor. Next thing I know there were 2 vorpal kamas added which I promptly bought. I send a tell to the guy and say something like "disillusioned with your monk?" Well, after a few tells where he says he bought items and did not sell anything it gets me and him wondering how it happened. Only 1 logical explanation I can think of - items were added when he bought items.

    And yes, I am 100% sure they weren't there all along. Like I said, certainly not absolute proof of anything but it did get me thinking.
    My suspicion is that the shop acts like your inventory when you get "forced items". Sometimes, if you have a full backpack and an NPC gives you something, it goes into your "overflow" and you can't see it in your backpack until you sell some stuff. Perhaps the shop has a max items showing, and an overflow for the other items. By holding the shop open (and I'm glad he does, as I've ninja'd a few choice items in the morning before he logs on, heehee!) the chance of the overflow being necessary increases. I suspect that the overflow is finite and that some items are getting deleted at a certain point. Still, I'd rather have a selection of something than a selection of nothing.
    Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
    Shizmonkey (OG Grand Poo-Bah of R.O.G.U.E. 1st edition) and other various ShizAlts
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  9. #29
    Community Member cpito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khroc View Post
    Wrong !!!

    Bring up the log out screen where it it says "Do you want to log out?" and just leave it there. Don't click Yes or NO and you can stay on until your ISP kicks you off or turbine shuts down the server !!!
    Yes you are correct, that doesn't make The10man wrong. He also happens to be correct cuz if you don't pull up the logout screen, eventually you will get booted... hence why you HAVE TO PULL IT UP!!!
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
    Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
    ~Peechie Keene~ THAC0

  10. #30
    Community Member Ozmoth's Avatar
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    Default I am a plat farmer.

    Oi! What is all this I am not a plat farmer talk. Is this how you plan to honor our traditions when I take leave... by abandoning them. Its all good cupcake. Plat farmers wish they could get thier hands on that exclusive giveaway gear you have. Newbies come and newbies go. Sweat it not my friend. Level 20 is on the horizon.

    Fernian by birth Ghallandan til Death!
    Southern Tenant Farmers Union Member by choice

  11. #31
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Default Hi, my name is Bob

    Hi, my name is Bob and I'm a Plat Farmer.

    Welcome to P.A.. Sorta like A.A. but for Plat addicts. Everyone in this game is a Plat Farmer to an extent, and if they say they're not then they are lieing.

    I see parked toons in the venders all the time. Hell on my server theres one named Camp deVender. If all you are doing is holding it open then what's the prob. Some people just need to get a life.

    So don't sweat it. That person was probably mad that his love goat ran away and decided to take it out on you. Give it a week and he'll go down to his "farm" and get a new goat and it'll be all better
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
    Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
    When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by kamimitsu View Post
    My suspicion is that the shop acts like your inventory when you get "forced items". Sometimes, if you have a full backpack and an NPC gives you something, it goes into your "overflow" and you can't see it in your backpack until you sell some stuff. Perhaps the shop has a max items showing, and an overflow for the other items. By holding the shop open (and I'm glad he does, as I've ninja'd a few choice items in the morning before he logs on, heehee!) the chance of the overflow being necessary increases. I suspect that the overflow is finite and that some items are getting deleted at a certain point. Still, I'd rather have a selection of something than a selection of nothing.
    Sounds plausible...wonder if we can get a DEV response on that ???

  13. #33
    Community Member wumpustime's Avatar
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    Default I am still not a plat farmer

    I see I have caused some argument on what a plat farmer is. My simple definition of a plat farmer is somebody who generates large amounts of Plat and then sells it for actual real life currency to other players of the game. I do not do this. I am a LOOTWH*RE. Simple definition- I run the same quests over and over again for loot that I want becaue I covet it. I do not sell said coveted loot, I usually keep it and stick it in the bank so I can look at it and never us it. I also keep the loots on the off chance my guildies want it. I have also done things for loot that I am not proud of, but at no point in time have I ever paid for loot with real money or real life services. I have acquired loot from promises and flattery, and once for singing the "loot song". Please don't ask Oz what I had to do for the "goodies" he talks about in his above post.

    So to review- Plat farmers farm for plat so they can make real life profit. Loot wh*res farm a quest for loot that they want so they can use it and in no way profit outside of storm reach.

    A note on toon parking. When I am parking my toon I don't have to go the log out screen or anything like that. I just have to get up and walk away from my computer. It does not matter if I leave DDO or another window on top, I just don't get logged out. It asks me if I want to quit after a while, but if I don't click "Yes" nothing happens. I can feel free to sleep and work with no thought about what my character is doing, as I know he will be right where I left him when I stood up. I get marked afk but that is about it.
    Lycanthrope, Wookster, Cardinel, Rabit, Macho, Firstclass, Warbat, Warbeaver, Wartoad, Warskunk, Wargerbil, Warturtle, Heronious(Kyber)
    Proud Officer of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union Ghallanda

  14. #34
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Always enjoy seeing a healthy list of weapons in House D pretty much every day - unlike the desolate wasteland at that other broker over in House K.

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  15. #35
    Community Member sournw's Avatar
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    What does your guilds initials stand for?

    and do you have any loot in the bank that you want to give me? see you in game farmer! and no he is not a plat farmer but you all should have already got that...... he's a wh*re for his loot.

    Long live Fernia!

  16. #36
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    pfft...any player with more than two months of experience knows the plat farmers hang out in Gianthold, not the House D vendors.

    Why I saw wowtm, herirsls, wewwew, and shikmo having a few drinks in the tavern there last night.

    House D vendors?? not!

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
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  17. #37
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    I bought a WoP raiper on the house D vendor a long long time ago. Dont know if anyone was holding the shop open but 3 people were in there when I hurried up and hit buy.

    I dont know what rules if any he could be breaking though thats not up to any of us.

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