DDO is missing an important core Eberron campaign setting class, the artificer. While the primary power of an artificer, crafting, is currently missing from DDO, I believe that if the devs find a true crafting mechanic too hard to implement (or, IMHO, too broken) that they can still implement the class, albeit only the combat facet.
The problem that we run into is that the major artificer benefit, free crafting feats, become useless. Over the course of progressing to level 20 artificers gain, for free, scribe scroll, brew potion, craft wonderous item, craft homunculus, craft magic arms and armor, craft wand, craft rod, craft staff, and forge ring. Not only this, but their bonus feats at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 can only be spent on feats from a short list, similar to wizards only being able to take metamagics or spell foci with their bonus feats. Artificers may either choose a metamagic, or: Attune Magic Weapon, Craft Construct, Exceptional Artisan, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan or Wand Mastery. The bonuses for all of the above feats except extra rings and wand mastery are void in DDO. Wand Mastery in DDO would be nigh useless, and a bad waste of a feat.
It is my opinion that artificers should be focused on another aspect: creating mechanical pets, buffing themselves, their pets, or others, and healing constructs. This would require that Turbine eliminate the problems we have with pets today, however. These problems include only being able to summon one pet at at time, and pet AI issues. Instead of bringing in crafting (unless that's an achieveable goal, then I'm all for crafting!), give artificers "craft construct" at level 1. A level 1 artificer should be able to control 2 iron defenders. As the artificer progresses in level, these constructs should become more powerful and more numerous.
Here's just a conceptual progression that obviously is no more than a skeleton:
Level 1- 2 iron defenders
Level 2- 3 iron defenders
Level 3- 4 iron defenders
Level 4- 2 mithral defenders
Level 5- 3 mithral defenders
Level 6- 4 mithral defenders
Level 7- 2 adamantine defenders
Level 8- 3 adamantine defenders
Level 9- 4 adamantine defenders
Level 10- 2 Flesh Golems
Level 11- 3 Flesh Golems
Level 12- 4 Flesh Golems
Level 13- 2 Stone Golems
Level 14- 3 Stone Golems
Level 15- 4 Stone Golems
Level 16- 2 Iron Golems
Level 17- 3 Iron Golems
Level 18- 4 Iron Golems
Level 19- 2 Shield Defenders
Level 20- 3 Shield Defenders
The artificer's infusions would be used for buffing the party, buffing his pets, and healing his pets.
Artificers would also fulfill a trapsmith role, and would be another class with the UMD class skill.
Maybe I'll think of more later, but I gotta get back to work.Comments welcome.