"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
All of the guilds I would take someone without knowing them personally have already been listed, but, my preference for filling a group/raid I'm running is people I know on a name basis, not a guild basis. But, if I have two people trying to fill the last spot, one unguilded or in a guild name I don't recognize, and one from a guild I do, I pick the recognized guild name. Then again, there are some G U I L D names I try to avoid for whatever reason. So yes, I think a guild name does represent something and depending on the guild that may represent standards for membership, quality of players, etc.
But how do I, the lowly beginner player, find one of these super guilds to join?
Each guild likely has their own set of requirements for membership. Without trying to take this thread off-topic my best recommendation would be to try and join groups led by members of those guilds or at least consisting of a few members of one you are interested in, make sure you are comfortable at the pace, experience level, behavior, etc. and if you feel you would enjoy being in that environment, express your interest in joining. I can't speak for a majority of guilds, but I can say your acceptance in the guild will probably not be immediate, some guilds may have a trial period where they want to make sure you fit well into the guild too, so it's a mutual thing. One additional thing I can recommend, is playing the game a bit more before trying to find a permanent home. Some guilds primarily run high level content and I gather from your signature you do not have any level 16 characters yet. I know there are other guilds out there that may be more open to helping you at lower levels (*cough* Lowriders) so that might be a better place to start.
There are some really great guilds out there and many great players. Even if the players can be annyong or pain in the butt ( Myself included sometimes).. But here are a few based of the players and the guild itself as a whole..
Lost Legions
Hats off peeps you represent well...
Proud Officer of Eternal Faith!
Any Icu toon ( to many to list )
Definitely a mention of honor for The Harpers.
I´ve sometimes logged and when I´ve been fortunate....hooked up on a Reaver or Hound run with these guys (and gals). I don´t understand how they get completions...I mean I´ve literally stopped running to LMAO....(Wife figures out I´m playing DDO and not "Working") then slapped myself and refocused on whatever I´m supposed to be doing!
You guys rock.
Last edited by Dexxaan; 01-09-2009 at 04:45 PM.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
You have to wade 10' through a thigh-deep trench of disease-infested leeches, just to make in the front door. Really, only the truly worthy need apply.
But seriously, bombard members with tells like "Tell one of your officers to invite me into your guild, and make it snappy, rookie."
Darn, I'm running out of wacky sarcasm.
It's important to decide what kind of guild you want to be in: heavy-duty power-leveling and raiding, casual, role playing, perma-death, PvP.
Sounds like my Shell Back ceremony in the Navy.
I've run with a few guilds that were all mixed together in pugs. No one that comes to mind though. Maybe, someday, I too shall be leet enough to join a guild that is friendly, helpful, and interested in end game content.![]()
Well, Gorum, you sound like a perfect fit for Kill to Live. Even though the name screams powerlevelers, we're anything but. We'd rather run every quest in the game than the same 20 quests over and over for xp and loot.
Lost Legion
Eridani Light Horse
Soy Como Soy
The Harpers
Black Mantis
Proud Leader of Extreme Explorers Permadeath Guild on Sarlona. Check us out at http://extremeexplorers.guildportal.com
That's why we have to pull in players from other guilds. Somebody has to keep us on task.
As for my guild preferences that's hard. I rarely PUG, but when I do I look for...
Black Mantis
Gravis Negotium
When I want to be ensured of completion, BlackSouls (those guys are all business).
All the others get very distracted by pretty voices, and those same pretty voices talking about unbiblical things. Although Moops pretty much has Caffeine in their place, and we know who rules the roost there.Her voice is also decidedly "unpretty" when she's yelling at you.
Mostly I just look for individuals that I have fun with. There are so many cool people out there spanning across so many guilds. We (Harpers) have pulled some poor unsuspecting people into our raids that come from VERY small guilds. Many comment on having the best time. Some leave quietly and probably dry heave themselves to sleep.
Last edited by minivanman; 01-12-2009 at 02:50 PM.
Officer - The Harpers (Sarlona)
Inzo Lvl 16 Wiz, Hanoran - Lvl 16 Clr, Emrik - Lvl 16 Ftr, Drizzita - 9/4/3 Rgr/Ftr/Rog
Lost Legions and Harpers- for sociable/fun/quality runs
NSR and Fairy tale- for fast, hold on to your hat runs
Bloodcloak clan- good, social, special commendation for honorable play style
The Bleeding, Gravis Negotium are also some guilds I like to shroud with
I'll mention Caffeine too -- I liked them so much that I recently joined them (but they were one of my fav's before I was a member so it doesn't count as nominating my own guild).
Lots of other good players for shroud runs in the other guilds, but the ones mentioned above are just selected from the ones that are large enough to run a guild-dominated raid. I'd like to give props to my old guild (the Black Dragons) for some very nice Hard and Elite shroud runs... but im no longer a member so it doesnt count as nominating my own guild![]()
<Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>