By going WF'd for cleric I can fill a niche in my guild on Argo, Archmagi.
Most of the gang here have WF'd and some partake in Warforged Nights, and I can have fun as one of the few who have a Cleric to throw into the mix.
I have been leveling my WF'd Sorc lately, and while fun it is stil an 'easy' build. Max Cha, add som Con & BAM! You **** near have a cookie like every other swinging Johnson...
I have a Human Cleric on Sarlona, Hondo, and a Dwarven Cleric on Khyber, Koffin. I am experienced in playing the class but the thought of a Warforged Cleric interests me. I see a lot of muti-Classed, I cannot remember seeing a true WF'd Cleric.
Not much to say after that.
Honestly I was hoping someone could use the Character Planner and post it here so I can see it and see what will work and ask questions to tweak it to my happiness.
No worries, nobody took the bait so I will try to come up with a 'plan' from the planner and post it here. Prolly won't be until tomorrow, and let's face it - how much RL stuff have you the reader procrastinated on to be in game? TONS here
It may take another regularly scheduled downtime (where nothing is changed officially) to cause the lag necessary to make me crank out some numbers on th eCharacter Planner...