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Thread: I'm Still Irate

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default I'm Still Irate

    Since it happened here I'll repost here. I want to know how people feel they have the right to treat others so rudely.

    There was a forum post that got me so fumed that I chimed in before I read all the replies. Later when I read all the replies I got even more ****ed off but didn't have time to send another post. So here it is.

    Basically a 12 sorc 4 pally was invited into a Hound run by a party that was mostly comprised of guild members and then booted the sorc right after he joined because he was considered a gimp. He wouldn't be efficient in the quest according to their posts. I'm not sure but the last time I checked you don't really even need a caster for the Hound. We've pugged it before w/o one. I know for sure the only caster spell that really even needs to be cast is fog. I think with 12 levels of sorc said toon had fog.

    I read the replies to the OP from said guild. We'll call them the "Bird Protectors" so I don't call anyone out. Every response I read from a Bird Protector (except one Bird Protector) had a total elitist mentality. Here are a few remarks they made. I would copy and paste but I can't find the thread. So these are not exact quotes.

    We expect our runs to be fast & flawless (or something of that nature) If your guild is that uber one gimped caster shouldn't even slow you down. This person went on to say how he/she was in the Navy and that the military had no room for weaklings and nor should they (again not exact quote). Another stated that he/she was in the Army and the Army way is no mercy for the weak.

    They remarked of another instance were a newb joined and said he didn't know the quest. They asked him to leave because they weren't giving tutorials today. If you're putting up an LFM that's not guild only, then that's exactly what you should be doing. You take all who come along and you teach them if needed. Otherwise get your uber guildies and go run the quest and don't LFM for stragglers. You're uber do it alone.

    I too was in the military, specifically the Navy like the person above. I was an operations specialist and made E-5 in 2.5 years. At that time you couldn't advance any faster without starting out as an N.C.O. so I think I know a thing or two about military ethics. I don't remember that mantra about the weak being the philosophy. I know for certain that we are there for the weak. That's our purpose.

    We are there to protect those that can't protect themselves. Foreign or domestic that's what we do we protect the weak from the strong. We protect the good from tyrants and evil men. So you couldn't be further from the truth. There is room for the weak and it's our job to protect them.

    Let me put this in naval terms for the submariner so he might understand it better. When you're in a carrier fleet the frigates, destroyers, and cruisers do exactly that. They protect the ships that can't protect themselves the carrier, supply ships, tankers, etc. Again the weak. The submariners assigned to the battle group do exactly the same thing below the seas. They protect the weak silently from below. If they're not part of a battle group they sit of the coast of foreign countries protecting weaker countries. Again there is room for the weak and they serve a purpose.

    So this is my take on a guild of people who pick on others in this game. Or a guild trying to show off in front of others in this game by demeaning others. They do it to make themselves feel better about themselves. They have no self worth, no self accomplishments, and no self confidence. They are the weak in real life.

    I guarantee that in the real world none of those persons would never treat a person that way to their face. Not because they are a good person, but because they are a coward. Behind the safety of their monitor they can do or say what they want because they are safe. This is their chance to get some payback and feel like they are uber. They chose to do it at the expense of anothers feelings. That's what cowards do.

    It's no different than some college fraternities. You get a group of people that were geeks in high school now nobody knows them. All these geeks band together and try to act like they're something they're not. Then you see who they were, and what they came from, and you see the fraud they really are.

    All I can say is that I'm not a Bird Protector and I'm glad I'm not. From what I've read in their posts. I've formed an opinion. My opinion. There are geeks in real life looking to feel good about themselves by hurting others. Are these people one in the same? I'll let their posts speak for themselves.

    To the person who was also upset. If you haven't left the game yet come to Khyber instead of leaving. For the most part all our drama is left in the forums. As a server for the most part we run well together barring a few family spats now and then. We'd love to have you.
    Last edited by Disavowed; 01-06-2009 at 01:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    Since it happened here I'll repost here. I want to know how people feel they have the right to treat others so rudely.

    There was a forum post that got me so fumed that I chimed in before I read all the replies. Later when I read all the replies I got even more ****ed off but didn't have time to send another post. So here it is.

    Basically a 12 sorc 4 pally was invited into a Hound run by a party that was mostly comprised of guild members and then booted the sorc right after he joined because he was considered a gimp. He wouldn't be efficient in the quest according to their posts. I'm not sure but the last time I checked you don't really even need a caster for the Hound. We've pugged it before w/o one. I know for sure the only caster spell that really even needs to be cast is fog. I think with 12 levels of sorc said toon had fog.

    I read the replies to the OP from said guild. We'll call them the "Bird Protectors" so I don't call anyone out. Every response I read from a Bird Protector (except one Bird Protector) had a total elitist mentality. Here are a few remarks they made. I would copy and paste but I can't find the thread. So these are not exact quotes.

    We expect our runs to be fast & flawless (or something of that nature) If your guild is that uber one gimped caster shouldn't even slow you down. This person went on to say how he/she was in the Navy and that the military had no room for weaklings and nor should they (again not exact quote). Another stated that he/she was in the Army and the Army way is no mercy for the weak.

    They remarked of another instance were a newb joined and said he didn't know the quest. They asked him to leave because they weren't giving tutorials today. If you're putting up an LFM that's not guild only, then that's exactly what you should be doing. You take all who come along and you teach them if needed. Otherwise get your uber guildies and go run the quest and don't LFM for stragglers. You're uber do it alone.

    I too was in the military, specifically the Navy like the person above. I was an operations specialist and made E-5 in 2.5 years. At that time you couldn't advance any faster without starting out as an N.C.O. so I think I know a thing or two about military ethics. I don't remember that mantra about the weak being the philosophy. I know for certain that we are there for the weak. That's our purpose.

    We are there to protect those that can't protect themselves. Foreign or domestic that's what we do we protect the weak from the strong. We protect the good from tyrants and evil men. So you couldn't be further from the truth. There is room for the weak and it's our job to protect them.

    Let me put this in naval terms for the submariner so he might understand it better. When you're in a carrier fleet the frigates, destroyers, and cruisers do exactly that. They protect the ships that can't protect themselves the carrier, supply ships, tankers, etc. Again the weak. The submariners assigned to the battle group do exactly the same thing below the seas. They protect the weak silently from below. If they're not part of a battle group they sit of the coast of foreign countries protecting weaker countries. Again there is room for the weak and they serve a purpose.

    So this is my take on a guild of people who pick on others in this game. Or a guild trying to show off in front of others in this game by demeaning others. They do it to make themselves feel better about themselves. They have no self worth, no self accomplishments, and no self confidence. They are the weak in real life.

    I guarantee that in the real world none of those persons would never treat a person that way to their face. Not because they are a good person, but because they are a coward. Behind the safety of their monitor they can do or say what they want because they are safe. This is their chance to get some payback and feel like they are uber. They chose to do it at the expense of anothers feelings. That's what cowards do.

    It's no different than some college fraternities. You get a group of people that were geeks in high school now nobody knows them. All these geeks band together and try to act like they're something they're not. Then you see who they were, and what they came from, and you see the fraud they really are.

    All I can say is that I'm not a Bird Protector and I'm glad I'm not. From what I've read in their posts. I've formed an opinion. My opinion. There are geeks in real life looking to feel good about themselves by hurting others. Are these people one in the same? I'll let their posts speak for themselves.

    To the person who was also upset. If you haven't left the game yet come to Khyber instead of leaving. For the most part all our drama is left in the forums. As a server for the most part we run well together barring a few family spats now and then. We'd love to have you.
    I cant agree more. We will call the protagonist "seabird" was very elitist. As far as the military comments go I am in and have served for the better part of 10 years. The person who claimed to be army was obviously a non-vet without a clue. The military I know prides itself on teamwork and comraderie. I honestly feel the caster who was booted was better of as honestly who would want to run with them anyway. But no worries brother he can come to khyber and run with us. Ill run with you any day just let me know.

    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Default Well put soul

    By the way great Shroud run today thanks for coming along. Was a total blast. All pug all palyed well and a fun group that could take a joke and throw one out as well. Tis the reason I play this game. If it was only the content I'd have been gone long ago. There truly are some real nice people on here. Not to mention you pulled a nice repeater.

    Also thanks for your continued service. Be safe but more imporatnt be smart.
    Last edited by Disavowed; 01-06-2009 at 02:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Founder DesertBlue's Avatar
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    Settle down Francis.

  5. #5
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    If you're putting up an LFM that's not guild only, then that's exactly what you should be doing. You take all who come along and you teach them if needed. Otherwise get your uber guildies and go run the quest and don't LFM for stragglers. You're uber do it alone.
    Wow, I'm sorry, didn't realize this game was supposed to played such a specific way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    I guarantee that in the real world none of those persons would never treat a person that way to their face. Not because they are a good person, but because they are a coward. Behind the safety of their monitor they can do or say what they want because they are safe. This is their chance to get some payback and feel like they are uber. They chose to do it at the expense of anothers feelings. That's what cowards do.
    You must live somewhere super if you aren't running into complete a-hats every day of the week in real life. Please tell me where so that I may move. In ohio, people like this are equally common in game and out of game.

    For future reference, the whole "psychological" breakdown is pretty elementary, no offense intended, but it definitely takes away from your main point. Then again, I'm someone that freely runs with the majority of the "Bird Protectors," while still having several individuals from said guild 100% squelched (incl. a new one added last night). In my experience, people are individuals, but maybe that's just because I have too much of an open mind :/

    PS Are you really working to get forum points that hard with the repost of a thread that OF COURSE got deleted bright and early Monday morning?
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  6. #6
    Community Member KatanAztar's Avatar
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    I think you need to find more constructive things to do instead of getting worked up over a video game.

    just my .02

  7. #7
    Foe of Gharet
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    Please don't cross-post or re-post closed threads, thanks!

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